Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tee Four Too...He he hmm

What a wonderful life. So much more to it than before. I'm blogging because I was working, and then kicked off because of the long database backup at 9:00pm.

Today I got up at a quarter to 6:00am. Turned on all the bedroom lights, turned on the TV to "Little Bear" and started getting ready for work. Started my egg boiling, got my almonds in my tuperwear, put the trash out ( a day early, for some reason thought it was already Friday), and got dressed. Got Lexie's clothes and gummy vitamins. Woke her up with a kiss and put her vitamins in her mouth. She woke slow and happy while I got ready. She got dressed (we passed on the size 10 1/2 black shoes, she felt they were too big), brushed her teeth, and rinsed with flouride, something she always reminds me to do (bubblegum flavored!). We climbed into my favorite vehicle (Nissan Pathfineder 1990-started early to deforst the windshield-thank Chris and Steve every day mentally for this blessing) and drove to Pre-School). She hid behind me as Ms. Amy opened the door (A favorite game of Lexie's in the morning) Blake told Lexie he was going to see the Wiggles. Didn't even know they were in town. Drove to work relaxed, way more than any of my other smaller cars, listening to my AudioBook, Vor Games. Got to work, Drank good coffee, laughed with my co-workers, friends, and got so much done. Still not used to the compliments I get from my team. I love my job! Love my boss. How did I get so blessed? Think of Mom everyday and don't know how she has endured the pain her feet must be causing her. Every day I count down to my friends to her surgery tomorrow. They all ask about my family. Jeff, Barb and I had a meeting, late attendee-Baiba, for a big lab issue that I am sooooo happy we finally are digging out of a hole. The only semi-negative issue came up as Carrie (coder) wants a week vacation during -crunch time- the last week of the month. We've been doing so well that when she mentioned it to me in the morning, I actually told her that the thought "F"-d up my morning. Timing, maybe not everything, but definitley something. Picked up Lexie at school. Ms. Amy still has a nasty cold. Lexie and I went to the movies. Saw "Night at the Museum". We both loved it, she didn't want to leave the theater. We had a great time. Lexie has been talking about what to do with the (imaginary) animals ever since we left the theater. Non-stop talk. Puts a smile on my face. Came home, fed the cats and Griffen, made Lex dinner. I read another two chapters from the first Potter book, threw a ball for Griff many times over. Lexie took a bath while I logged onto work and got a couple hours of non-interrupted work done, threw the ball for Griff some more as Lex brushed teeth, etc. I brushed Lexie's hair...Get This!!!! she asked me to brush her hair!!! This is a first. Then I got kicked of works billing system for database backup, and now it's time for me to rest. I've always loved life, this is just so great to have it be this enjoyable!

Today I'm grateful for: Lexie, Mom and Dad, the moon, my Nissan, Tiki, Griff and the rest, computers, blogger, Ms. Amy's pre-school, the realization that worrying about what Frank was doing day in and day out was just as bad as still living with him, and then not doing it anymore, "God is God". Movies, childrens museum, zoo, swim, water, and darned near about everything esle!

Signing of for now....


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