Monday, May 28, 2007

Griff, Ducks, Detroit, and Dog riding

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Let's feed the ducks and do some fishing!

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Morning little camper, Morning doggie camper

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Campers, Griffen, iPod with moring music, nightime movies, books and pictures.

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Memorial Day Camping

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Spring geese, and Swim

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Lexie carries Tiki, my beautiful foot, Mommy learns to braid, and Elina's b-day party

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Lucas' b-day party at Conestooga pool,


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Memorial Day

What a good camping trip! I know that Lexie would have enjoyed having more children her age to play with, but since there weren't, I got to spend time with her. We went fishing with her Barbie fishing pole that Jenn and Glenn gave her, put together a craft of a bunny and a lion window hangers with pipe cleaners from a prize she won playing bingo, and generally had a great time. Bingo was the best! The food was wonderful, thanks to Michelle and Mike who alway do so great with this. Fireside in the evenings, warm sun during the day. Lexie had so much fun that the first thing she did when we got home (after her Monday visit with her dad) was to start packing a bag for her next camping trip. She feed the ducks, and loved her first taste of fishing. The funniest thing, when her line caught a snag, she thought she had caught a fish and it scared her so bad she screamed, dropped her pole, and ran. She had lost the plastice, weighted fish that came with the pole the first day when she went fishing with Jen, and Glenn, so Mike had carved her one from wood. Sunday, I took her fishing for the fourth time (she really did love it) and she did such a beautiful cast that I yelped with appreciation. Well...she mistook my joy and thought that she had caught a fish, and again, dropped the pole, screamed and ran. She wouldn't even let me touch it for a while. So long in fact, that her line got snagged on a close by driftwood snarl that I couldn't get it free from. We had to cut the wood fish free (big sigh). I got us both sleeping bags, and she really loves hers. It's purple, yellow, and green, junior sized. We're going to sleep in them again tonight in our beds. I have such fond memories of my orange stuff sleeping bag when I was a kid! We're already hoping to camp at the end of July at Ft. Stevens. After last Memorial Day there, I am planning a big defensive against mosquitoes. I'm going to try to post some overdue pictures now, along with the camping pics.

Today I'm grateful for Lexie, Mom and Dad, life, the Spirit camper and camping, and so many things.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I think I rememeber the film, and as I recall, I think, we both kind of liked it...

Ouuuuuuuuiweeeee..... I'm back on a juicer kick. Lexie and I saw an infomercial Monday for a juicer, and I remembered, "I have one of those!" I used to really enjoy that thing. So... Tuesday Mom took me grocery shopping and I got a weeks worth of juicing staples. I've done it twice now, and boy do I love it. Last night's recipe: Half bell pepper (orange), two stalks celery, on small zucchini, half cucumber, one apple, eight baby carrots, one tomato, one floret broccoli, one floret cauliflower, and spinach leaves. Sounds kind of gross, but it is so tasty!!

Mom had her second surgery today and came through great. I'm glad that she can get on with healing now.

Word(s) of the day: LEATHER NOSE

Griffen gave me a nice little bump on the head when we were wresting on the kitchen floor yesterday. He has a really solid head!

Going to another birthday party tomorrow, Sujata's daughter, Elina. It will be another Chuck E. Cheese adventure, and the third birthday party in two months. Sunday we are going to see Spider Man III with Tobie and her kids at Lloyd Cinema. In one hour I'm going to leave to go get Lex and we are going to see Shrek the Third, just came out today.

Last night was awesome. Lexie took a bath ( found out she has a reaction to cinimon, she broke out in mild hive from the bath beads, so she jumped in the shower and rinsed, and the hives went promptly away), then we sat on the bed and I brushed and braided her hair (I'm new to braiding) while we watched and laughed at "Alice in Wonderland". It was a priceless time.

Today I'm grateful for Lexie, Mom and Dad, life, water, egg foo young, priceless moments, happiness, and purple.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Under the pale blue moon.

Ok, I have a 1:30pm podiatrist appointment and I hope that it will be the unavailing of my foot. The surgery went well. I am always intrigued and amazed at the gap in time spent in anesthesia land. Last memory, wheeling down the corridors in a hospital bed, starring up at the ceiling noticing the occasional wireless network hub (everything blurry without glasses), the country music in the OR, OR lights, and people talking about the days surgeries as if you don't exist, changing tables, and then the next thing I know, someone is handing me my glasses in my recovery room as I chatter away. Truly amazing.

Lucas' birthday was great at Conestoga Water park. I will add pictures.

Today I'm grateful for Lexie, Mom and Dad, friends, my podiatrist, pain medicine, music, video cameras, books, iPod, and life.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Duh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh nuh, You say it' s your birthday...

We're having birthday talk here. Lucas' party this Saturday, Sujata's daughter the next Saturday.. Whew! Some of us have decided that we do not like singing the traditional birthday song and we're going to start a motion to change it. Now, we just have to come up with a replacement.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Toilet humor

I just got the biggest laugh here. We were joking with the IT guy, Alex. Val comes out of the bathroom and says there is a lot of water on the floor, is there something wrong with the toilet? Jeff says that we are going to make Alex fix toilet problems now, and I tell Alex that the toilet is now on the network and he will be responible for troubleshooting. Alex is still laughing as Jeff says, "Hey yeah? Alex, what is the toilets IP address?" Get it? I pee adress. HEhehehe. Ok, back to work.