Monday, April 02, 2007

It's been a while...

Busy, busy, busy...

Had a great weekend, worked a little, played alot. By work I mean office work, play includes yard work. I got both the azalea's from Jeff (Lexie and I drove down last weekend to pick them up) planted. I decided to leave the positioning up to Griffen. He had already started two holes in the general area I was thinking of, so I went from there.

Satruday, Lexie and I went up to the Thicket to visit Grandpa and pick up a computer monitor. Mine was so dark I couldn't begin to play Myst IV on it. Lexie performed a dance recital to Sponge Bob's "Yellow" album for her grandpa. I walked Griffen around the trail and had him assist me in relocating a few wind tossed branches from the trail.

On the way home Lexie and I stopped by the Dollar Tree at Val's suggestion for hanging plant baskets. I got five with coconut liners, and we headed to Freddy's to get 10 fuschia starts at 50 cents a piece. Low and behold, we happened to pick the day (completely by accident) Freddy's was having a free potting deal. You buy the plants, and supply the pots, and they supply the dirt and plant the plants. What a deal! So, for 15 dollars I got five fuschia baskets! All I had to do was take them home and hang them. I got six garden lanterns ( a buck a piece, of course) also. The back yard/deck is looking so awesome! Yesterday I finally had to break down and get a mower. I refuse to use the decrepit pieces of junk that were poorly maintaned and gas powered that still live in the shed. I don't even know which, if either, of the two actually work. Lexie's dad was always complaining about them not working. Freddy's was having a sale on a Black and Decker electric mulching with bag, mower. So I transferred money from my savings and got it Sunday morning before swim. After swim I unpackaged it and gave her a spin. What a treat! Worked like a charm.

Word(s) of the day: MERMAID

Lexie log: She's finally over her cold. We had to do eye drops for conjunctivitis, and boy did she hate that! I bribed my way through those seven days with a pony or two. She loved going up to visit her grandpa, and didn't want to leave. I'm hoping we can spend a night up there every so often. She would love that.

Today I'm grateful for Lexie, Mom and Dad, my house, yard, and pets, weekends, computers, and life.

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