Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Losing Ms. Amy

Friday night was a blast! Amy, Kim, Tonya and I went to the Melting Pot downtown. Ohhh it was wonderful. We were there from 7:30pm until sometime after 11:00pm. My favorites were the cheese fondue and the cookies and cream fondue. Even the house salad was terrific, and the company was the best. We laughed so hard tears rolled down my face. When I told Lexie where I had been, and with whom, she actually got a little jealous mad. I have pictures of that to post as well.

Birthday Party

Lexie's birthday party was a blast! she had 13 kids there! Some from pre-school, some from day care, some from kindergarten, some neighbors some from my work, and Lucas. It was so much fun! She got a lot of Polly Pocket stuff, which is perfect. Her reaction to her big present was perfect. I'll post pictures soon. Lucas spent the night, and the next day we all went out for Brunch at Reedville Cafe.

Lexie's investiture into Daisy Girl Scout is next Monday. I'm going to try to take video as well as pictures. Last night I went to a Girl Scout Council meeting with her troop leader, Michelle, to learn about cookie sales. We're excited about that too.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas Teeth

Now Lexie can sing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth." She lost her second bottom front tooth Saturday. I actually pulled it out, eeeeeewwweee! The first one came out when we were wrestle fighting. I elbowed it out. I felt awful, but she was just laughing!

Lexie loves her Daisy Girl Scouts soooo much. She got her vest on Sunday, slept in it and wore it all the next day, her birthday. Grammy came over in the morning to watch her, her normal Grammy-Lexie day fell on her birthday. We woke her up in the morning with a cupcake and the birthday song. Grammy took her shopping and she got two new pairs of shoes, an outfit, and a doll. She kept telling me all evening that she had the best day. She had her third girl scout meeting last night. We made Christmas decorations to give to the elderly when we go caroling at a retirement home in the next couple weeks.

We're looking forward to her b-day party this weekend.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lexie's first dance

Raise your hand if you've ever played the raise your hand game!

Lexie's new game, "Raise your hand if you like chocolate", raise your hand if you don't like chocolate, raise your hand if you have a cat.... it's cute, to a point.

Have some cake!

For Myra's birthday today, Val made sponge cake... literally! She smoothed chocolate frosting all over a foam sponge. We watched many people hassle with that thing!

Monday, November 03, 2008

School pictures

Lexie got her very first Kindergarten school pictures. Here it is...

Tinker Bell

And she flies too!

Lexie was Tinker Bell for Halloween and it was a hit!

Friday, October 31, 2008

No dance card?

Well, she finally did it.  I was beginning to think I was going to be one of the few LuckyMoms who have children who don't "trim" their own hair.  Not!  Last weekend, Lexie decided she wanted bangs.  She walked into the room, and my jaw dropped.  She actually didn't do too bad, but I still had Grammy take her in for a straightening.  Amazingly, she did this AFTER her school pictures!  Phew!  I'll post her school pictures and then compare with the post kid-with-scissors.

Today is Halloween.  Lexie's school doesn't allow costumes, but she will get to put hers on in about an hour, after school at YCamp.  She is Tinker bell. This evening we are going trick-or-treating with her friends Sam and Alex at a local mall.  Should be fun. 

Tomorrow, Lexie's Grammy is coming down to stay the night with Lexie.  I will be attending a party, that I go to only very reluctantly.  I'm not much of a party person.  This started out being five people, Cherri, Ryan, Hollie, and Josh.  It has added a bunch of people, NOT happy.  I tried very hard to cancel, but was essentially guilted back into it.  Since I'm bringing the RV, if I decide to pout, at least I have a good place to do it.

And now, the story behind the title of this blog.  When I went to pick Lexie up yesterday, she complained and was sad because we would miss the "sample" dance class.  I had not heard anything about this, but they are going to give dance lessons Thursdays at 5:00 at the gym there.  So, we stayed so she could try it out.  She loves to dance and has been excited for quite awhile about dance classes, and then this dropped in our lap!  Should have been perfect, but there is one ginormous hitch!  In Lexie's mind, dance class entails turning music on and everyone just dancing.  Very early on into the stretching warm-up, she became unenthusiastic. She wasn't impressed by learning moves and putting them together.  She was so put off by the end of the class, that not only wasn't going to join, but she specifically wanted to put the flyer they handed out in a hiding place where it wold never be found again.  Strike two for organized, structured instruction on how to learn something.  Maybe if I pick her up a little later and she sees the other kids having a good time with it, she might change her mind.  I think there were too many children there and if the classes are smaller and she gets more one-on-one attention, she might enjoy it.  We shall see.

We are starting Daisy Girl Scouts next Monday!  First and third Mondays, I'm excited.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Name Club

It's been so crazy, I tend to let the blog ride. I really should discipline myself to do a daily not at break time.

Yesterday, Lexie got into the "Name Club" at her kindergarten! I am so proud of her, and she is too. That means that she can print her name clearly. They teach print WAY differently then I remember. They put little curly tails on the letters to get them ready to learn cursive. Pretty cute.

Tonight is McTeacher night. I'm not positive, but I believe that means that the school teachers will be working at the local McDonalds to raise money. I think Lex and I will go take a peak.

Her first tooth is coming in nice, and she's got another loose one.

Monday, September 29, 2008


A spontaneous fishing trip occurred this weekend.  Friday, Tracy called and invited Lexie and I to join them at Horning's Hideout for a fishing trip with Cub Scout troop 819.  It's a stocked fishing lake.  We had a blast.  Lexie's been fishing in Alaska, but that was quite a while ago.  We rented her a pole (.50!) and away we went.  She caught for trout!  She was so exited.  Happy and scared at the same time.  Each time we would reel one in on her pole, she would start screaming.  They actually have RV camping there also.  We are definitely going back!

Missing tooth!

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Cool peacocks EVERYWHERE!

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Lexie and Luca with their catches

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What a pleasant day!

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

All I want for Christmas

Lexie lost her first tooth!  One of the bottom front teeth.  She got a five dollar bill folded into a bow tie from the tooth fairy. 

Lex is really enjoying school and Y Camp.  Today we took in a large box of her old toys that Lex and Grammy packed up earlier this year, and took it to the Y.  We had our first open house last week.  I really like her school, and her teacher.  Looks like I'll get to be a parent helper the second Friday of each month starting in November.  I'm pretty excited about it.  Yesterday when I picked Lexie up she told me that a gril said Lexie's necklace wasn't pretty, said her pet rock (class project) was ugly, and when Lexie tried to talk to her, the girl stuck her fingers in her ears and sang, na-na-na-na-na-na.  Mother instinct kicked in and when she pointed the girl out to me...I actually glared at her!  Then I thought, "get a grip Rachel!"  I told Lex that her opinion didn't really matter, and if she does it again, just walk away.  Lex wasn't really upset about it, but it is the first time she's complained to me about a conflict she has with a peer.

Mondays are still Grammy days.  Grammy comes over early in the morning, takes Lexie to school and picks her up.  Last Monday after school they went back up to Yamhill for the afternoon.  What a treat!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Camping cold

I got a cold last Wednesday night, one day before our camping trip. The whole weekend I pretty much forgot I even had the cold, but the moment we got back home it's been worse. I want to go back to the fresh air some more!

Lexie had a great time! She met new friends the first night. We relaxed while she played, swam, had fun. The weather was terrific. It was a great trip, but too short.

First day of Kindergarden!!!

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Time flies...

I can't believe how busy it's been!  And how long it's taken me to blog.  The Portland to Coast went great!  I just got a glorious bouquet of flowers from my team thanking me for being the captain.  I want to take a picture and post it.  I didn't bring my camera this time, so I'm waiting for some teammates to get me some pictures. 

Lexie starts kindergarten next Thursday!  She and I will be meeting with her teacher next Wednesday.  I'm so excited!

And....Lexie has her first loose tooth!

I love my iTouch!  I use it as a mini-laptop, I used it for the relay as a stop watch.  It's great!

Dad has had some pretty close calls this last week.  He had angioplasty last Saturday and a stent where his artery was 99% occluded.  Scary, but glad it got caught when it did.

More later...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Casual morning.

Relatives gather around the pool.
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The Ramada

Lexie and Grammy are at the umbrella table at the pool
The view from the hotes balcony
A gigantic house/mansion. Look at the previous picture. This is the house up on the top right of the hills
Lexie on the way to the pool.
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Cousin Scott

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Cousin David

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Cousin Skylar

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Lexie and Uncle

Lexie is always proud to anounce to everyone she comes across that her uncle Fred is from Alaska.

And they dance.
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