Saturday, July 05, 2008

Check out time: 11:00AM

I'm fried beyond my belief. So much has been going on that I'm almost daily in a tailspin. Lexie, Mom, Dad, Tracy, my friends at work, my cats, and Griffen have been my point of sanity. I now have pepper spray attached to my key chain, and I worry about the sanity and the possibility for retaliation from FDK. When Lex finally is old enough to read this chronicle, she will still love him, but probably understand my point of view at least a little. I've been trying to keep this part of our lives out of this out of respect for her love of her Dad, but it slips in there, inevitably since it's such a large part of our lives right now.

We had a great Fourth. We spent the morning driving around, Lexie napping in the car, me driving. We had a five hour barbeque at Tracy's parents. Zoe and Steve are not only kind but also extremely funny! It was fun. I was having a constant mild panic attack, I think I might have even been annoying at times. Lex and I walked to some neighbors a block away and spent two hours watching fire works with them, including illegals people up the street were firing off. We went home a couple times, once to get cookies for Beth and Kate, once to get a bucket with water to help clean up expended explosives. It was a fun evening.

Last Thursday evening, Lexie and I went to Ms. Amy's graduation. It was awesome. She is truly a great person. After the graduation, we all went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream, then to Shute Park. The kids had a good time and I sooooo much enjoyed getting to know Amy and Tim better. I hope we can all become good friends. I miss talking to Tonya when we were "work related" and I want to get to know her better too. Taylor's mom seems really nice and smart too. It was a good time and I hope we all can get together occasionally at least.

Now, Lex and I are heading off to Hillsboro Main Street to play in the toy store for a while.

I miss journaling in this blog as much as I used to, and I hope in the near future I can get back to it.

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