Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where in the world is Carmen Santiago?

I’m not even sure when the last time I blogged was.  I have pictures to add, and stories to tell.  Bottom line is the last couple months have been really touch and go for my anxiety.  So much going on Frank was in jail half a month for violation of restraining order, and his parenting time arrangements are in the air until he contacts the necessary people and sets up visitation.  Those of you who know me and haven’t heard the details can contact me for them, but It’s really not something I want to describe in a blog intended to be a work of memory for Lexie.


As tensions have eased, we have been having more summer fun.  I set up the big inflatable pool with slide out back, broke down and bought a battery powered inflator thingy.  Otherwise, I don’t think I would have ever set that pool up again.


We’ve been making bi-monthly trips to downtown Hillsboro, which has been really enjoyable.  We usually hit the marvelous toy store they have.


Sunday we went to Cannon Beach with Grammy and Griffen.  We spent four or five hours just playing in the surf and the river.


Tuesday evening we went out to Aunt Christine’s to visit and have dinner with Fred and Barbara down from Alaska.  We’re planning to see them again at Justin’s wedding in Temecula next month.


The Portland to Coast is less than a month away.  Things are starting to gel together, and it’s getting exciting.


Yesterday Ryan and I attended an OSCON conference at the Convention Center.  It was great.  Free stuff, party invites, great information on neat software.


Does anyone know if online IQ tests are accurate, like  I’ve taken two this week, the first one was 139 and the second was 137.  I don’t know if they’re just trying to fluff my ego, or what?


Well, wanted to check in. 


Pictures to come.




rvodyssey said...

Nice to have you back

Tonya said...

Glad you are having some good old summer fun. Keep it up.