Tuesday, January 13, 2009

penguin pajama day

I love the second Friday of the month!  One of my biggest joys is being room mom in Lexie's kindergarten class.  I sometimes get to do prep work for projects like tracing out giant mittens on colored construction paper or going down to the supply room and using the cutter to make 8"X 8" dark blue and 9"X9" white squares for a snowflake project.  I love hovering over the tables as they work on their work and answering questions and helping them out.  Last Friday was pajama day.  It was great at recess to watch four kindergarten classes of children running around the playground in pajamas.

This Friday is Maxwell's birthday party.  Lexie is pretty excited.  We are going Pokemon shopping later this week.

It looks like we may be having a Daisy Scout bowling this Saturday too.  That will be fun.  Lexie Daisy group finally got a troop number this week.  We've been waiting long enough, jeez.  They've earned two "petals" and their investiture ceremony will be at Shute Park library a week from tomorrow.  Gotta remember to charge the video camera batteries.  Scouts started selling girl scout cookies last Saturday.  As of this morning, she's sold 43 boxes!  Her goal is 50, I hope she makes it.

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