Saturday, October 10, 2009

Greatest Day Ever!

Ok, so I wake up with a cold.  So what!  We made plans, sort of, last night to find a stretch of dirt to play marbles on....Lex want's to learn. 

Post 7:30  I wake up and head out to facebook, and what not.  8:30  Lex is on me like white on rice to get a move on....  Some time later, John is eating breakfast at Denny's and texting us this very fact  (oooh, I forgot to mention Lex and McBreakfasted about an hour earlier...)  John shows up, we go to Freddy's (Griff gets to go too!) and get three wiffle balls for Lex and a crazy ball for Griff.  Super Dad takes us to Brookwood Elementary where we spend a splendiforous amount of time playing baseball, or sort of.  Then John goes to get beverages while Lex and I play marbles on the home plate dirt.  Mmmmm!  Frozen coffee beverage!  Lex gets orange frozen drink!  Super Dad drives home and the three  (or four or more if you count the animals) watch the first Harry Potter movie for the first time!  Lex is still putting spells on everything!  I am still in awe of what a day can be!  LOVE life!

Iechyd da!

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