Thursday, February 04, 2010

Talking to caregivers

Decent weekend.  Highlight was watching classic B movie "Pod People" via MST3K.  Lex tried to keep up with the sarcastic commentary for a while even. 

Lex met a new friend Saturday night.  One house down from John's lives an 8 year old girl named Brianna.  When Brianna went to walk the family dog (Gizmo), her and Lexie met up and hit it off.  The next day Lex was impatient to go out and play with her again.  John, Lex and I went to the mini-field up the block and practiced some softball.  On the way back to the house, Brianna came out to let Gizmo relieve himself.  None of us noticed that she was in her pajamas.  This fact might have led us to realize that she wasn't out and ready to play, but we missed it.  The four of us headed back to the play area and they played more ball.  Eventually Brianna's mom came out of the house calling her.  Ooops.  She got in a bit of trouble for going out to play without notifying her mom.  She wrote Lex a really sweet note apologizing for not being able to come back out and play. 

Drama world:  It seems as though Alexis and Emma (friend from "Y") have been looking for some adventure.  About a week ago, Lexie asked me to write down what the clock looked like when it was midnight.  I thought this a semi-strange request, so I filed the thought for later.  She copied my 12:00AM. onto her own piece of paper and went back to playing.  Next she is drawing maps from Y camp to Emma's house.  Then Sunday night she puts an envelope on the kitchen table and tells me not to open it until the morning.  I forget about the envelope, and in the morning Lex put's it in the garbage and tells me she did it wrong and she's going to re-do it.  Last night, she puts another envelope next to my purse on the hall table, and tells me, again, not to open it until morning.  At that point, something maternally instinctual kicked in.  I opened the trash and pulled out Sunday night's envelope.  "I am gon Mom. PS I wont come home."  After slight heart failure, I grabbed the other envelope and went into her room.  After asking her what this was all about, and opening the second envelope in front of her, much drama ensued.  Tears shed, hugs given, she swears it is a game her and Emma were playing, I talked on the phone with Emma's mom.   Phew, not liking that one bit.  Emma's mom and I agreed to mention it to the teachers at the Y for backup support.  Eeeeks.

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