For some reason that song, and any other song from that album, remind me of Iowa. Hmm. My moms tapes when I was in the fifth grade. Red duplex, Meridian, bunk beds, basement, Strawberry, stripped shirt, DangerMouse and Penfold, snow boots, blizzard, hail, lightning, walks where the cats would follow us. How's that for a stream of conscious memory sprouting from a song on the radio? Oh, the power of music.
Things are moving along swimmingly at work. I'm grateful that we finally have a future auditor replacement. Whew! Between all the electronic service we are getting and finally having a full staff, we should really be able to crush our A/R. I love my job! Everyone here is so happy, we are like family, and it just feels right.
All our volunteers went to the meeting, well, one emergency stand in, but we are good to go! One week from today and we'll get the van, and then... I'm excited.
Word(s) of the day: SCOOT
Lexie log: My little angel. I don't know why, I keep leaving earlier for our breakfasts, but still end up late for work. Oh, maybe it's because I enjoy it so much that I keep pushing it till the end. I think, well, we're leaving at 7:27, that should be plenty of time, but then there we are at 8:54 still sitting there. Today there were two other little boys at school when we got there. That's the first time this month that she hasn't been the first one there. And...except for that one day, the second day, she hasn't fussed about going. I think we've worked out a pretty good schedule. -- We've been taking evening walks before bed the last couple nights. Night walks in the dark. Lexie, Thumper, Daddy and me. We walk around the block or up to the pool. Daddy walks Thumper, Lexie holds my hand. Thumper does this really great back leg kick out thing every time he pees on a bush. It's hysterical! He's kicking out his back legs, and kicking up dust and grass, and we're laughing. It's a great before bed activity, the walk I mean.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, my job, my PTCR team and volunteers, music, weekends, walks, and life.