Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Boris the Spider, Creepy, Crawly, Creepy, Crawly

It's nice to have the cube to myself this week. I like my cube-mates and all, it's just that I like not feeling claustrophobic and...Well, it's just hard to explain. Things are cooling down here, but still busy enough to make the days fly by. Pretty much perfect if you ask me. Coming to work late on Lexie days is only painful because of the habit of thinking 3:30 is quitting time. I'll tell you what, no matter what happens, by 3:30pm I feel like I've been here since 7:00am.

I am so excited about the Portland to Coast relay in less than 20 days!!!! We are going to drive it this weekend and see what our 'legs' look like. I really think it's going to be a blast.

Word(s) of the day: SCIATIC

Lexie log: Day three of my driving her to school. I'm really enjoying it. Last Thursday she put up a fuss, but we got through it. I think we will make it a habit to go to eat breakfast first. She seems to really like that. She was cute as a button this morning. -- She's also doing really great in swimming. She is quite the story teller also. She loves to tell make believe stories, usually involving a dragon, a little girl, flowers, and flying. -- Yesterday she went on a long walk with me and Thumper. -- I can tell that even though he could probably use the break from ms. energy a couple days a week, that Daddy is still having separation anxiety from his little angel.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, the PTCWR, water, and life.

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