Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The right thing...

Lexie has developed a game that she has called the “Right thing” game.  I ask a question like, “Do you put gas in your car, or your cereal?” She says, “Cereal!”, and I say, “Right!”…Then something like, “Do trees grow in the ground, or in clouds?”  “The ground!”  “Right!”


So…We’re getting in the car this morning and she asks me to play the right thing game.  She has just spent last weekend at her dad’s.  She must have tried to teach him the game to, because her next statement is, “Daddy doesn’t know how to do the right thing.  He’s not very good at it.”  I’m chuckling to myself as I get in the car and ask, “Is pizza for eating, or sleeping on…”



Lexie and I will be in Alaska tomorrow morning.  We are so excited!!!!!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Out of the mouths of babes :o)

Have a fun trip!