Friday, May 08, 2009

Lexie Speaks!

"Everyone:  Names family. The bestest things in the world are the greatest things.  Like candy and toys and puppies.  What can you do without them? They're the cutest things in the world. Also candy is sweet.  Do you remember our Halloween? I hope you had a great time on Halloween, when it was Halloween a long time ago. And Santa gives you toys.  So give him a thank-you on the next Christmas when he comes. Give him a cookie.  Try to see Santa.  If you give him a bite of cookie and he's gone and you didn't see him, that's ok.   He will still like you.  Also he gives you swimming pools, toys, lots of stuff. Friends are friends. If you have a friend, and go up and meet him and you see someone talking please don't interrupt.  Because they're trying to say something to somebody.  And that's all for Lexie's speech. Bye.  See you later."

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