Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na, Hey hey, Goodbye...

I enjoy Thursdays. I just do.

I’m getting so caught up at work, it is amazing. I love it! Clearing off ancient projects, working on my big ticket item, our aged A/R… I made a goal at the first of the year to reduce the A/R by half a mil by my performance review in June. The first piece I am working on is getting the charges out the door and boy did I get that one! Over the last two weeks with overtime and super effort, we made it to the point where I have to post the previous days cashiering batches that night or in the morning so we can post the charges with co-pays! We are submitting to insurance charges for services rendered the previous day! I hope to get an amazing turn around time with that and the electronic scrubber and reports. Now, I’m working A/R for all bill types (except private pay) that are old and over $200.00. Weeee.

Lexie is learning tons at pre-school. She really enjoys it also, when it’s not being sabotaged by someone who will remain unnamed telling her it’s not a real school and that he will put her in a real school. Ok, enough with the anger.

Every once in a while, on the way home (did I mention that I love having Lexie dropped off here at work three days a week?) we drive by a Party City store that she always asks if we can go in. I have told her that it’s not really a toy store (the sign looks very similar to Toys-R-Us), but she still wants to go. So, last night when we drove by, she said it again, and I offered to go home and get her purse with her money from birthday and Christmas, and come back. She thought it was a great idea. She couldn’t have picked a better store! It was full of cute little items that wouldn’t break her wallet, but still made her feel like she was making a significant purchase. We got to talk about how much items cost and how much she had to spend and had her make some choices about how expensive something was for the amount of enjoyment she would get from it. We didn’t get the $10.00 piñata she wanted because she would only be able to use it once and buy the candy separate. She could buy almost five times as many smaller toys for the same amount. I told her that we would consider the piñata idea for another special occasion. It was great.

Word(s) of the day: NEXUS

Today I’m grateful for Lexie, Mom and Dad, animals, my awesome job, weekends, Thursdays, Fridays, nurses and doctors, Dr. Miller, family, and life.

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