Saturday, May 05, 2007

It's all happening at the zoo!

Lexie and I had a terrific time today! Shannon and her two girls, Clara and Luna, drove up to our house, and we all spent a few hours at the zoo. Lex now officially has two new friends! She got along great with Clara, and I almost cried when they gave each other a great big hug. Clara is a sweet, sweet girl! Luna is exactly how I imagine a fairy pixie would be. Very strong willed, adorable, and ever so slightly mischeivious. Thank-you Portland to Coast for meeting me up with Shannon. Friendly, intelligent, and funny? Who could ask for more. I hope we can continue our new friendship.

Word(s) of the day: SNORE

That is exactly what Lex is doing at the moment. A well deserved nap. I'm going to get a little work done, and then read some more Potter. My one and only regret for the day, that Griffen didn't get to have an outing. My super friend dog is the best!

Six days and counting to my bone sawing, 15 for Mom.

Today I'm grateful for Lexie, Mom and Dad, new friends, Shannon and her girls, my new Cannon, the zoo, weekends, and life.

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