Thursday, May 17, 2007

Under the pale blue moon.

Ok, I have a 1:30pm podiatrist appointment and I hope that it will be the unavailing of my foot. The surgery went well. I am always intrigued and amazed at the gap in time spent in anesthesia land. Last memory, wheeling down the corridors in a hospital bed, starring up at the ceiling noticing the occasional wireless network hub (everything blurry without glasses), the country music in the OR, OR lights, and people talking about the days surgeries as if you don't exist, changing tables, and then the next thing I know, someone is handing me my glasses in my recovery room as I chatter away. Truly amazing.

Lucas' birthday was great at Conestoga Water park. I will add pictures.

Today I'm grateful for Lexie, Mom and Dad, friends, my podiatrist, pain medicine, music, video cameras, books, iPod, and life.

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