Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Playin with a travelin band...

Sunday, we went to Ladd Acres School softball playing field to watch the Blue Angels in the air show. The flight pattern for the show means that the jets have to fly low and often directly over the school. It was awesome. Would have been a little smarter of us to show up at 3:00pm, when the Angels part began, but we were there shortly after 10:00am. But it was a pleasant day out at the park. Lexie and Lucas enjoyed the day. I put the camera away right before the main show, but was glad to be able just to watch. I think Dana got some pictures on his phone that I’m hoping he’ll email to me.

Awesome books; Outlander and Golden Compass

Today I'm grateful for Lex, Mom and Dad, PDAs, PTC, iPod, books and stories, particles, friends, and water.

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