Wave runners.

Bizzare but cool?

We didn't get to the beach until 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening, but it was still warm enough for Lex to get in her suit and splash. The next time we went to the beach, I didn't bring my camera, but Lexie and I went shoulder high in the water to "Booty" the waves as we call it. That is, I held Lex in my arms with the water chest high, and when a wave would come, we would turn our backs to it and let it carry us forward. Shellie, Ally, and Sierra also had a blast with this. Lexie told me on the way home that it was her favorite part of the camp trip.

I had the not-so-brilliant idea that I would walk partway back to camp because we had to make two trips to the beach so that Griffen could get a beach walk too. Griffen loved the waves, but drank to much salt water. Those who read this who have taken their dogs to the beach may understand what this means, those who don't, and want an explanation, can email me and ask. I dare not type it here. Anyway...the result of the walk back was that 200 feet from the nice breezy open air of the beach, the costal rain forest starts, and so do the mosquitoes!!! I was eaten alive. Scarred for life, he he he. With my hair in a ponytail, I looked like an epoleptic horse, swishing my ponytail this way and that, batting my face, my arms, and my torso with my hands to dissuade their proboscisesesses. Even now as I type this recountanance, I'm getting a little buggy and scratching at imaginary itches. Right before Tracy caught back up with me in her van, I caught sight of these two young ladies. Even though the thought of standing still in a see of blood thirsty, winged creatures was hideous to me at that moment, I couldn't help but to stop, pull out the camera and snap a couple shots. Now, I wonder, do the mosquitoes torment them? Must not.

Looks like a mom and child. How pretty!
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