one yellow sprial steno
mutiple drug rep labelled sticky pads
one green post-it pad
a white plastic slinky
multiple blank CD-Rs in colored jewel cases
PaperMate Dryline refillable white out tape
Assortment of binder clips, paper clips, and rubber band
rubber band ball
crafts that Lexie made in school
Sharp EL-1630A Electronic Printing Calculator
One bottle almost empty hand lotion
One bottle almost empty fragrance spray
Three Maruchan Instant Lunch (cup of noodles)
Craft container made by Lexie and Grammy containing Equal packets
Empty souveneir bottled water from Alaska shaped like a train
Toy Cell phoneStaple remover
Packet of two liquid gell Advil
Crestor Handbook of drug interactions, 2007 edition
Little squishy Cerner doll
Purple bunny rabbit
Three novelty key chains
Fancy mirror tray
Radio Shack digital clock with picture and voice recording alarm
Hp Deskjet 840
C200 Plus S315 Date stamp
brown plastic pen holder
band-aid dispenser
Four or five rolls of Andover "Easy Tear" latex free Coflex
Broadway Medical Clinic t-shirt
Old monitor-side-mounting holder prior to flat screen, holding another paperclip hoder full of pens
Roll of Sweet Tarts
Green plastic container (from drug reps) with alcohol towletts
Ceramic blue, silver, and white winged angel
pink and yellow thumbtacks
Bamboo back scratcher
Clip fan
Cerner retractable name badge clip
Hyzar USB2 hub with digital clock and temperature display
AT&T 8410D telephone
Stuffed bear with reindeer antlers
Box of business cards
Sponge Bob wrapping paper
Empty bottle of Ibuprofen
Old thermostat wall unit with trailing sensor
Half bag of White Basamiti Rice from India (via Barb, via Trader Joe's)
Classic portable CD player with radio
Multiple binders with work type stuff
Two Junior High yearbooks from Raymond A Brown Junior High, date 1983 and 1985
Book entitled "The Subtle Knife", by Philip Pulman
Blue Ruler with words "Rachel's Ruler" bold in black
Gobs of pictures of Lexie on the walls
Two desk lamps
"For Deposit Only" stamp
Portable battery operated pencil sharpener
File organizers
Multiple plant tendrils from a plant one cue over
Buckle removed from wallet
Bubble wrap
1 comment:
Hey, that looks like my desk about a week or two ago. Now it's all bare and empty :o( I had to take 2 boxes and a huge plant home. I am a semi professional pack rat.
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