Monday, November 09, 2009
Mini updates
We had the best trick or treat ever! I didn't take very good pics, just used my phone.
My birthday weekend was Super Great! Saturday we all went to Spaghetti Factory, then John, Lex and I watched The Dark Knight. Sunday we went to the zoo after breakfast and a trip to the Dollar Tree.
Iechyd da!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
First 1st grade parent teacher conference.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Greatest Day Ever!
Post 7:30 I wake up and head out to facebook, and what not. 8:30 Lex is on me like white on rice to get a move on.... Some time later, John is eating breakfast at Denny's and texting us this very fact (oooh, I forgot to mention Lex and McBreakfasted about an hour earlier...) John shows up, we go to Freddy's (Griff gets to go too!) and get three wiffle balls for Lex and a crazy ball for Griff. Super Dad takes us to Brookwood Elementary where we spend a splendiforous amount of time playing baseball, or sort of. Then John goes to get beverages while Lex and I play marbles on the home plate dirt. Mmmmm! Frozen coffee beverage! Lex gets orange frozen drink! Super Dad drives home and the three (or four or more if you count the animals) watch the first Harry Potter movie for the first time! Lex is still putting spells on everything! I am still in awe of what a day can be! LOVE life!
Iechyd da!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Dinner for three
Iechyd da!
Lex can read!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Spider Girl
Saturday, Lex and I went bowling with John, Shannon and Bill. She's starting to enjoy it pretty much.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
First Grade
Iechyd da!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Mini Update
Lex "graduates" from kindergarten next week. She's pretty excited.
Her latest "thing" is the Nintendo DS [our Wii is broken :( ]. She has six different games already. They range from taking care of pets, adventure games, and her latest is a fashion plate game. She loves it.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Life is a highway, eh?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Lexie Speaks! (a little)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Lexie Foos

"Well, I wanna show everyone a picture, but I have a couple words to say. Are you writing every word I say? (mom, yes) Come on, come on all my friends. everyone I know you all think I'm going to make words for you today, but I'm not actually write words to you, I'm going to show you a picture."
Back to Mom. Lexie wants to go to Hollywood. Why you ask? Because it's a cool place and according to Lex there are pop stars there and she now, just this moment, would rather go to Hawaii.
Now we're going to find a picture of something on Google. BRB
Friday, May 08, 2009
Lexie Speaks!
"Everyone: Names family. The bestest things in the world are the greatest things. Like candy and toys and puppies. What can you do without them? They're the cutest things in the world. Also candy is sweet. Do you remember our Halloween? I hope you had a great time on Halloween, when it was Halloween a long time ago. And Santa gives you toys. So give him a thank-you on the next Christmas when he comes. Give him a cookie. Try to see Santa. If you give him a bite of cookie and he's gone and you didn't see him, that's ok. He will still like you. Also he gives you swimming pools, toys, lots of stuff. Friends are friends. If you have a friend, and go up and meet him and you see someone talking please don't interrupt. Because they're trying to say something to somebody. And that's all for Lexie's speech. Bye. See you later."
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Lexie Speaks!
“Did everyone like this day? I know it was kinda rainy outside. But, at the end of the day it got a little sunnier. Today was a strange day for me. Well what happened today was I got picked up by Grammy and I had to go to this school that will help me read better. And it was some guy telling me what to do. And I almost got them all right, but I did a really good job. I earned the prize to keep. It was a little parachute guy, but then I didn’t want the parachute so I took it off. Good bye.”
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Lexie Speaks!
World, it's summer today, so you should be going to fun places. You could go to a swimming pool, you could play outside. You could even play outside with your friends. Think of anything you can do on these lovely days. Oh guess what, my Grammy told me today that it will be raining tomorrow, but sunny all weekend. I'm hating the rain. That's all, bye, see ya later.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Lexie Speaks!
Monday, May 04, 2009
Junior Ranger
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Lexie Speaks!
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Thanks JDK
Lexie Speaks!
Blog promises
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Probably a video only a mother could love, but since the blog is dedicated to roller sprite... I happen to get softy towards the end when she waves at another little girl. Then she waves at Lucas, who is falling down under the camera I'm shooting the video with. She throws the thumbs up sign and rolls on.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Little angel gets earrings.
This morning in the car on the way to daycare Lexie gave me the lowdown on Leprechauns. She informed me that if you catch one you get to make one wish. She then let me know that if she catches one, her wish is going to be that she can read. Gotta love her!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Crazy sadness

Tiki, 15 1/2 year old magnificent cat is on to a better place. Lex visits his grave site every day, and generally takes the whole ordeal with much more stride than I do. I'm pretty sure the first time I had a animal companion loss was when I was in junior high. She is so much more resiliant.
Today Lex and I are dealing with two under the age of four, over 80 pound, dogs...who love to pummel each other. Our dog, Griffen, and Corky's, Chance. We're boarding her for a couple days while they go do the camping thing. Payback is that Next weekend-into-the-week, they will watch Griff while Lex and I Amtrak up to Seattle with Carrie and Jason.
It's a brilliantly NorthWest typical day, and we are enjoying the obligation to vegetate in non-public attire so as to appreciate lounging around. Lex is sprouting a cold, again. Thanks be to Jah that she handles them so well. I have been feeling remiss that I haven't blogged in a while and then came about a friends blog I hadn't realized existed. Before beginning my parusal, I decided to make a mediocare entry in this tribute.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Highlights of Newport
Lexie at the beginning of the wax museum
Lexie and Johnny Depp??