Monday, June 12, 2006

One! Singular sensation...

I am just having a heck of a time getting this darned blogger to work with me. This is the second post I'm trying to publish today, and if this one fails...forget it! I miss my Word blog editor, and wish I could get it to work. Needless to say, I'm not going to type a whole lot because it is incredibly painful to type a lot and have it disapear into the void. And I can never copy-paste into this darned thing.

Frank fixed the AC this weekend. Hurrah!!!!

He also has made the RV look like brand new. It's twenty times cleaner than our house. We'll miss it when it's gone. We like being able to go out there and sit every once in a while. Also, it's neat to pretend we can journey out to Detroit Lake for an evening, any time we want. Frank almost talked me into it this weekend, and if it hadn't been a rent plus car payment paycheck, we might have. But...we spent enough last trip, so we're scraping by. We did stock up on staples, such as rain gear, though.

Word(s) of the day: HOPEFUL OPTIMISM

Lexie log: We just love that she calls the RV the Truck-house. She is doing great in swim, she learned to do some water safety rescue techniques yesterday. Saturday we had a blast at the river and with Aunt Patty and Gramma Betty.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, weekends, RVs, camping, warm weather, rain, water, and life.

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