Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Down in Fraggle Rock!

What a wonderful evening! I wish we could do that at least once a month. Every time I get together with Mom, Sue and Chris it is always fun. Adding Lexie makes it even better. We went to Quizno's for dinner last night. I just love spending time with the three of them and Lexie. I would love to spend a night or two at the coast with them and Lexie for another boat trip.

Got the greenhouse yesterday, now we just need to set it up. I hope to do it tonight after a little nap. Bizzare wind blown yard when I got home yesterday. I've been pretty good at keeping up with the pine needles until yesterday. Came home and there was a blanket of the over the back yard. Couldn't even see a blade of grass. I started raking, but barely put a dent in it and the yard debris bucket is already full. I have plans for my Autumn photo submission to the Sorensen family web page, but need batteries for the camera. Why on earth are batteries so darned expensive.

Word(s) of the day: SISTERS

Lexie log: She is such a trooper. She handles her cold so well. One thing I discovered last night though...She has the opposite effect with night time triaminic. Getting her to go to bed was not at all easy. Watched her tumbling video yesterday. I wish I could go to that class with her.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Chris, Sue, family, chocolate, caffine, advil, weekends, greenhouse, sunshine, friends, and life.

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