Still super busy, doing an hour of overtime everyday and this weekend will me more between the March of Dimes walk and swim. Just wanted to drop a note to say hi. I miss blogging daily and hopefully will be able to again soon. Lexie has a cold, hopefully she will be up for the walk tomorrow. I'm wearing a Holter Monitor for 24hrs to check for palpitations and what-not. Prayers for Uncle Steve and for Dawn's husband Tom ... I also want to wish my cousin Jason a very, very happy birthday. Hope to hear from him soon. Lexie continues to amaze me and bring me joy.
Word(s) of the day: TEN KEY
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, life, weekends, water, and the moon.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come...
Teensy bit of guilt, but this will be a most barren blog week. My dear friend Jan made haste with her termination. We are short one coder the last week of the month. Not chaos so much, but super busy with working through breaks, walking at lunch, and overtime. My knee itches immensley wear it is healing from my flight lesson two weeks ago.
Word(s) of the day: MOUSE
Lexie log: She finally lets me put her hair up in barrettes, and not just for swim class. She's doing super in swim class. I actually think us being in the observation room keeps her attention focused more. It is a little odd in there still. -- The weather is warmer and she is able to gallivant about the house in spring dresses. Now we need to get her a few pairs of sandals so she isn't stuck in these pink and black rubber ones. -- She wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese so badly this weekend. When her Grandma told her they were closed because they were out of pizza, she resolutely insisted, after a bit of thought, that she would make it (the pizza). All the way home in the car, with a smile on her face, she insisted, "I will make it!" She is just adorable.
Today I'm gratefull for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Steve's recovery, coffee, friends, angels, pizza, mice, weekends, paperclips, colors, t-shirts, slippers, plastic utensils, Sharpies, ceramics, laughter, love, friendship, and life.
Word(s) of the day: MOUSE
Lexie log: She finally lets me put her hair up in barrettes, and not just for swim class. She's doing super in swim class. I actually think us being in the observation room keeps her attention focused more. It is a little odd in there still. -- The weather is warmer and she is able to gallivant about the house in spring dresses. Now we need to get her a few pairs of sandals so she isn't stuck in these pink and black rubber ones. -- She wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese so badly this weekend. When her Grandma told her they were closed because they were out of pizza, she resolutely insisted, after a bit of thought, that she would make it (the pizza). All the way home in the car, with a smile on her face, she insisted, "I will make it!" She is just adorable.
Today I'm gratefull for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Steve's recovery, coffee, friends, angels, pizza, mice, weekends, paperclips, colors, t-shirts, slippers, plastic utensils, Sharpies, ceramics, laughter, love, friendship, and life.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Era una tarde tonta y caliente, De eseas que te quema el los la frente, Era el verano del 97...
Wednesday, April 19th, 2006
I'm sending out brilliant thought of white light for Jan and her precious Alexi! Another one for Uncle Steve!
I want to go back to Cancun! I have been having severe *sigh* daydreaming episodes envisioning my family there again. It was as close to heaven as I can imagine. I want to go with Lexie. I also wish to keep up with learning Spanish. Yesterday, we started listening to a Spanish radio station at work.
Word(s) of the day: CHICLE
Lexie log: Yesterday she wore her spring dress that Grammy got her, and... she finally wore her hair up in a pony tail. I took pictures, and as soon as I download them, I'll post them. She's such a treasure! I just love spending time with her and I miss her immensely while I'm at work. -- She has this new, cute talent. When I want her attention from afar, I have used my super loud, two finger whistle to get her attention. Easter Sunday, the was ahead of us on her trail hunt and wanted us to speed along to her. So...she puts her index finger to her lips (like a person would do when 'shushing' someone) and makes this shrill, high pithed shriek that sound amazingly similar to my loud whistle. It was so cute. So of course we all laughed heartily at this which turns it into something she does at least once a day.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, weekends, coffee, sunshine, and life.
I'm sending out brilliant thought of white light for Jan and her precious Alexi! Another one for Uncle Steve!
I want to go back to Cancun! I have been having severe *sigh* daydreaming episodes envisioning my family there again. It was as close to heaven as I can imagine. I want to go with Lexie. I also wish to keep up with learning Spanish. Yesterday, we started listening to a Spanish radio station at work.
Word(s) of the day: CHICLE
Lexie log: Yesterday she wore her spring dress that Grammy got her, and... she finally wore her hair up in a pony tail. I took pictures, and as soon as I download them, I'll post them. She's such a treasure! I just love spending time with her and I miss her immensely while I'm at work. -- She has this new, cute talent. When I want her attention from afar, I have used my super loud, two finger whistle to get her attention. Easter Sunday, the was ahead of us on her trail hunt and wanted us to speed along to her. So...she puts her index finger to her lips (like a person would do when 'shushing' someone) and makes this shrill, high pithed shriek that sound amazingly similar to my loud whistle. It was so cute. So of course we all laughed heartily at this which turns it into something she does at least once a day.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, weekends, coffee, sunshine, and life.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Hmmm, hmmm hm hm hmmm hmm...
Monday, April 17th, 2006
Ok, another beautiful weekend. Let me start by saying, duh... For some reason, for the past two weeks, I've had it in my head that the Alpenrose Easter egg hunt would be...on Easter Sunday. Well, nope. So, we missed it completely. No worries though, it was pouring rain Satuday, and Sunday we came up with a last minute back up plan that turned out beautifully.
Thumper done et my tenny runners.
Friday at work, Lana and Cherri took Jan to lunch, so I listened to my book and walked at lunch. It was rather nice. I'm still infatuated with iPod.
Oh, yeah... Friday the green gun died on our tv. All weekend, Lexie has been watching the oddest looking television. I took pictures to post. She doesn't watch too much tv, but each evening, she watches a couple hours. Friday after work, we spent three hours tv shopping, and our new set will be delivered today. Weeeee.
Word(s) of the day: SPIDER JAM
Lexie log: Sunday, no swim, of course. It hit me like a ton of bricks...Why not have our own Easter egg hunt in Yamhill??? So, we got ready, stopped by Fred Meyers and picked up eggs and candy, then headed out there. Aunt Chris was there too, which was terrific. While Grammy, Grampa and Chris entertained Lexie, Daddy and I planted eggs and candy along the trail, with the huge princess doll basket hidden at the end by three trees. She had a blast!
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Chris, family, weekends, water, stickers, and life.
Ok, another beautiful weekend. Let me start by saying, duh... For some reason, for the past two weeks, I've had it in my head that the Alpenrose Easter egg hunt would be...on Easter Sunday. Well, nope. So, we missed it completely. No worries though, it was pouring rain Satuday, and Sunday we came up with a last minute back up plan that turned out beautifully.
Thumper done et my tenny runners.
Friday at work, Lana and Cherri took Jan to lunch, so I listened to my book and walked at lunch. It was rather nice. I'm still infatuated with iPod.
Oh, yeah... Friday the green gun died on our tv. All weekend, Lexie has been watching the oddest looking television. I took pictures to post. She doesn't watch too much tv, but each evening, she watches a couple hours. Friday after work, we spent three hours tv shopping, and our new set will be delivered today. Weeeee.
Word(s) of the day: SPIDER JAM
Lexie log: Sunday, no swim, of course. It hit me like a ton of bricks...Why not have our own Easter egg hunt in Yamhill??? So, we got ready, stopped by Fred Meyers and picked up eggs and candy, then headed out there. Aunt Chris was there too, which was terrific. While Grammy, Grampa and Chris entertained Lexie, Daddy and I planted eggs and candy along the trail, with the huge princess doll basket hidden at the end by three trees. She had a blast!
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Chris, family, weekends, water, stickers, and life.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Love, exciting and new, Come aboard, We're expecting you...
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Late break today. Right before break I was called onto a project and right in the middle of it the billing software crashed. Finally, I have a chance to sip my lukewarm java and type an entry.
To answer your question Sue, everytime I copy and paste into the blogger editor, I get a dialogue box that tells me, "Document contains no data". So, until I have the leisure to fuddle with it, I'll just maintain. By the way...Hi!
Also, by the way...If you still read this occasionally...I love you Steve, and pray your surgery goes smoothly. I didn't get your email for some reason, but Mom printed it out and I did read it. I don't visit the Myfamily site as often as I used to, but I'll start again.
So far on my iPod:
Two books - Crocodile on the Sandbank and The secrets of the Power of Intention
56 songs - A total mish mash including a couple sound files of Lexie laughing
60 photos - Mostly Lexie, but some rainbows and art shots as well
1 Podcast - some cartoon
2 TV shows - An episode of Monk, and an episode of Weeds
3 Movies - Two home movies of Lexie, and 2006 Academy Award Winner "Six Shooter"
Available space left to fill - 55 GB
Word(s) of the day: ICARUS
Lexie log: The darndest thing yesterday afternoon, we're all in the car in the Safeway parking lot, and suddenly Lexie says, "Look Momma, Icarus!" She's pointing out the window, but at what I do not know. She does this a few more times, but I got distracted and forgot to ask her who Icarus is. I'll have to remember to ask today.
Other notables; She stuck an orange Tic-Tac up her nose earlier this week. Luckily Daddy was able to persuade it out. I heard about it the next day at work, as I had already gone to bed when she did this.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, iPod, weekends, family, miracles, tulips, trees, vitamins, water, and life.
Late break today. Right before break I was called onto a project and right in the middle of it the billing software crashed. Finally, I have a chance to sip my lukewarm java and type an entry.
To answer your question Sue, everytime I copy and paste into the blogger editor, I get a dialogue box that tells me, "Document contains no data". So, until I have the leisure to fuddle with it, I'll just maintain. By the way...Hi!
Also, by the way...If you still read this occasionally...I love you Steve, and pray your surgery goes smoothly. I didn't get your email for some reason, but Mom printed it out and I did read it. I don't visit the Myfamily site as often as I used to, but I'll start again.
So far on my iPod:
Two books - Crocodile on the Sandbank and The secrets of the Power of Intention
56 songs - A total mish mash including a couple sound files of Lexie laughing
60 photos - Mostly Lexie, but some rainbows and art shots as well
1 Podcast - some cartoon
2 TV shows - An episode of Monk, and an episode of Weeds
3 Movies - Two home movies of Lexie, and 2006 Academy Award Winner "Six Shooter"
Available space left to fill - 55 GB
Word(s) of the day: ICARUS
Lexie log: The darndest thing yesterday afternoon, we're all in the car in the Safeway parking lot, and suddenly Lexie says, "Look Momma, Icarus!" She's pointing out the window, but at what I do not know. She does this a few more times, but I got distracted and forgot to ask her who Icarus is. I'll have to remember to ask today.
Other notables; She stuck an orange Tic-Tac up her nose earlier this week. Luckily Daddy was able to persuade it out. I heard about it the next day at work, as I had already gone to bed when she did this.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, iPod, weekends, family, miracles, tulips, trees, vitamins, water, and life.
Monday, April 10, 2006
The wheels on the bus go round and round...
Another lovely weekend. Saturday we went to the river, got caught in another rain storm, this time no hail though. The river was higher than I've ever seen it. After the river we drove to Bettys for an hours. Lex played with her Gramma and Pete while Frank and I walked Thumper, about 12-13 blocks. Sunday, after swim, we drove out to Yamhill and visited. Thumper ran around in the forest. He took great delight in bounding through the ferns. At one point he crossed the stream and headed south up the hill. I got a little nervous when he got out of sight, but he did come bounding back in a couple minutes. It's so cozy up there, I wish we were all there right now.
Month end is closed, now I'm working on reports and posting charges.
Word(s) of the day: SIGH
Leixe log: She did really good in her new swim class. She is in a class with three other girls, Grace (4), Emma (6), and Siarra (3 1/2). All older than Lex. It was fairly odd to sit in the observation room instead on the pool deck. She saw me in there at first while they were all still sitting on the steps, but then once she put her goggles on, it seemed like she kept looking over, but perhaps they were too fogged up, because she didn't wave back. The only time she lets me do anything with her hair without putting up a super fight is before swim. Now that her hair is all one length, I was able to put it in a pony tail. It was so adorable.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, out animal family, senses, iPod, walks, rain, weekends, and life.
Month end is closed, now I'm working on reports and posting charges.
Word(s) of the day: SIGH
Leixe log: She did really good in her new swim class. She is in a class with three other girls, Grace (4), Emma (6), and Siarra (3 1/2). All older than Lex. It was fairly odd to sit in the observation room instead on the pool deck. She saw me in there at first while they were all still sitting on the steps, but then once she put her goggles on, it seemed like she kept looking over, but perhaps they were too fogged up, because she didn't wave back. The only time she lets me do anything with her hair without putting up a super fight is before swim. Now that her hair is all one length, I was able to put it in a pony tail. It was so adorable.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, out animal family, senses, iPod, walks, rain, weekends, and life.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
Prophet 6 0091, This is the flight number, of our galactic sun...
Friday, April 7th, 2006
I made an interesting discovery this week. I don't blog as much now that I can't use word to publish it. I hope I can get that resolved. Typing directly into blogger doesn't let me type an idea, then come back to it in an hour or two on lunch to finish. If I wait too long, it times out the session. Word was nice. Any time I had a thought, I just toggled back to it, typed it real quick, and went back to work.
Word(s) of the day: JOTTED IOTA
Lexie log: I let her listen to my iPod Wednesday when I got some music on it. Now she's hooked. She thought it was the greatest thing and wants to play with it all the time. She's seen the photos, video, and heard the music from it and thinks it's the greatest thing. One day she'll have her own, but I have to keep mine fairly hidden from her right now or she gets upset when I try to explain that she can't 'play' with it. I wanted to every once in a while hang on to it while she listens, but she just wants to hold it and run off and dance. I'll have to start looking if they make walkmans for young children. She does like music. When she does get one, we'll have to make sure she doesn't have it on all the time, as I recently heard that overuse of ear phones may cause a slight hearing loss.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, family, friends, my iPod, walking with Jan and Cherri at lunch, weekends, and life.
I made an interesting discovery this week. I don't blog as much now that I can't use word to publish it. I hope I can get that resolved. Typing directly into blogger doesn't let me type an idea, then come back to it in an hour or two on lunch to finish. If I wait too long, it times out the session. Word was nice. Any time I had a thought, I just toggled back to it, typed it real quick, and went back to work.
Word(s) of the day: JOTTED IOTA
Lexie log: I let her listen to my iPod Wednesday when I got some music on it. Now she's hooked. She thought it was the greatest thing and wants to play with it all the time. She's seen the photos, video, and heard the music from it and thinks it's the greatest thing. One day she'll have her own, but I have to keep mine fairly hidden from her right now or she gets upset when I try to explain that she can't 'play' with it. I wanted to every once in a while hang on to it while she listens, but she just wants to hold it and run off and dance. I'll have to start looking if they make walkmans for young children. She does like music. When she does get one, we'll have to make sure she doesn't have it on all the time, as I recently heard that overuse of ear phones may cause a slight hearing loss.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, family, friends, my iPod, walking with Jan and Cherri at lunch, weekends, and life.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Whistle while you work...
Wednesday, April 5th, 2006
Short blog today. Busy with month end and walking at lunch.
Word(s) of the day: iPod
Lexie log: I'm doing a brief blog today 'cuz I want to journal how cute she was last night at Fred Meyers. We were there to pick up my glasses and ended up having to stand in line at customer service for a very long time. Lexie took it upon herself to entertain the people standing behind us in line. She danced around and showed them her 'beetle bug' shirt. One person asked if her toy was a horse and she said, "No, it's a zebra." We went over and tried on children's sun glasses while Daddy stood in line, and she kept running back to the line to show Daddy et. al.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Grama Betty, Hoops and Yo-Yo, my friends and co-workers, iPods, and life.
Short blog today. Busy with month end and walking at lunch.
Word(s) of the day: iPod
Lexie log: I'm doing a brief blog today 'cuz I want to journal how cute she was last night at Fred Meyers. We were there to pick up my glasses and ended up having to stand in line at customer service for a very long time. Lexie took it upon herself to entertain the people standing behind us in line. She danced around and showed them her 'beetle bug' shirt. One person asked if her toy was a horse and she said, "No, it's a zebra." We went over and tried on children's sun glasses while Daddy stood in line, and she kept running back to the line to show Daddy et. al.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Grama Betty, Hoops and Yo-Yo, my friends and co-workers, iPods, and life.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Bad Boys, Bad boys, Whatcha gonnna do...
Monday, April 3, 2006
I'm a little miffed at my blogger word editor. It just stopped working Friday. I typed up Friday's blog and spent another ten minutes trying to get it to publish. It happened again this morning, so forget it. I'm back to this.
I just heard that our security guard was attacked Friday afternoon. Top it off, it was Bud Man who attacked him. I used to be able to set my clock by Bud Man. Every mornin at 8:04, he would walk across the Broadway and 42nd intersection carrying a case of empties. Then at 8:08 he'd go back the other way with a fresh case. We gave him the name 'Bud Man.' I've run across him once in person, at 6:30am (before Rite-aid, his normal bud purchasing facility, opens) he was headed through our parking lot to buy beer from the Chevron station. He seemed pleasant enough when I crossed his path. Not Friday though. Rigo saw him acting suspicious around some cars in our lot and confronted him. Bud Man clobbered him over the head with a bag of bottles, then went to grab a rock from a pile close by him. Rigo swung his night stick and connected at least once. Other stories tell that Bud Man landed a few more punches, but of this I'm not sure. Finally, Bud Man fled the scene. A bystander followed him and found out what floor he lives on in the towers. Someone in the clinic witnessed Rigo trying to get up, trying to dial his phone, and then collapsing. A nurse called 911 and Rigo ended up at the hospital via ambulance. He is doing fine, laceration to the head, broken occipital bone. Bud Man was apprehended and sent away.
Word(s) of the day: CIRCUS GATTI
Lexie log: She so much loved riding the elephant! I'll have to post pictures soon. All in all she loved the circus. She was pretty tired by the end, but had a blast. She got a new light up princess wand that she loves.
Sunday she had her last swim class for the session. She is moving up to Water Safety I with the same teacher, but at 1:00pm instead of 11:30am. I hope this doesn't make her more tired and fussy. Some days she wont nap until around 6:00pm. We'll see.
After swim we went to the river. Lexie and I played in the sand while Thumper race up and down the beach.
I'm a little miffed at my blogger word editor. It just stopped working Friday. I typed up Friday's blog and spent another ten minutes trying to get it to publish. It happened again this morning, so forget it. I'm back to this.
I just heard that our security guard was attacked Friday afternoon. Top it off, it was Bud Man who attacked him. I used to be able to set my clock by Bud Man. Every mornin at 8:04, he would walk across the Broadway and 42nd intersection carrying a case of empties. Then at 8:08 he'd go back the other way with a fresh case. We gave him the name 'Bud Man.' I've run across him once in person, at 6:30am (before Rite-aid, his normal bud purchasing facility, opens) he was headed through our parking lot to buy beer from the Chevron station. He seemed pleasant enough when I crossed his path. Not Friday though. Rigo saw him acting suspicious around some cars in our lot and confronted him. Bud Man clobbered him over the head with a bag of bottles, then went to grab a rock from a pile close by him. Rigo swung his night stick and connected at least once. Other stories tell that Bud Man landed a few more punches, but of this I'm not sure. Finally, Bud Man fled the scene. A bystander followed him and found out what floor he lives on in the towers. Someone in the clinic witnessed Rigo trying to get up, trying to dial his phone, and then collapsing. A nurse called 911 and Rigo ended up at the hospital via ambulance. He is doing fine, laceration to the head, broken occipital bone. Bud Man was apprehended and sent away.
Word(s) of the day: CIRCUS GATTI
Lexie log: She so much loved riding the elephant! I'll have to post pictures soon. All in all she loved the circus. She was pretty tired by the end, but had a blast. She got a new light up princess wand that she loves.
Sunday she had her last swim class for the session. She is moving up to Water Safety I with the same teacher, but at 1:00pm instead of 11:30am. I hope this doesn't make her more tired and fussy. Some days she wont nap until around 6:00pm. We'll see.
After swim we went to the river. Lexie and I played in the sand while Thumper race up and down the beach.
They're creepy and they're kooky, Mysterious and spooky. They're all together ooky...
Friday, March 31, 2006
Last day of the month. Preparing for month end busy business. For some insane reason the girls and I here in the office are being attacked by abrasive angry callers this morning. We are all chipper and laughing, hyper on super strong Jan coffee, and getting these absolute bears on the phone. The person I just spoke to was going to switch pediatricians because this is the thrid time they've had to call on a balance that doesn't exist. And between phone calls we're all hearing each other trying to diffuse people who are just too uptight. So far there hasn't been one serious issue, just a bunch of anxious, cross people that feel like arguing moot points. Thank God it's Friday, payday, circus weekend, and I love my co-workers, my family and my friends! -- Verizon is working in our neighborhood putting fiber-optic lines in the ground. They are moving from court to court using some fascinating looking piece of equipment called a directional drill. All of this is semi-fascinating to me. First the utility surveyors come out to locate and mark existing sewer lins, water lines, electric, phone, etc. Then the subcontractors come out and use the directional drill to drill a path for the fiber-optic cable, and finally Verizon comes out and installs the cable in the ground. When I looked it up, people all over the country are message boarding about the subcontractor trucks in the neighborhood.
Word(s) of the day: BUFFALO ENUMERATION
Lexie log: I can't wait for the circus tomorrow. I hope I have my new glasses so I can thoroughly enjoy watching Lex and the circus. I'm really excited about doing more stuff as the weather gets nicer. I just off the phone with her and she is fighting going on a walk with Daddy and Thumper. She used to love them and always had fun, but all this week she has refused.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Betty, friends, weekends, happiness, and life.
Last day of the month. Preparing for month end busy business. For some insane reason the girls and I here in the office are being attacked by abrasive angry callers this morning. We are all chipper and laughing, hyper on super strong Jan coffee, and getting these absolute bears on the phone. The person I just spoke to was going to switch pediatricians because this is the thrid time they've had to call on a balance that doesn't exist. And between phone calls we're all hearing each other trying to diffuse people who are just too uptight. So far there hasn't been one serious issue, just a bunch of anxious, cross people that feel like arguing moot points. Thank God it's Friday, payday, circus weekend, and I love my co-workers, my family and my friends! -- Verizon is working in our neighborhood putting fiber-optic lines in the ground. They are moving from court to court using some fascinating looking piece of equipment called a directional drill. All of this is semi-fascinating to me. First the utility surveyors come out to locate and mark existing sewer lins, water lines, electric, phone, etc. Then the subcontractors come out and use the directional drill to drill a path for the fiber-optic cable, and finally Verizon comes out and installs the cable in the ground. When I looked it up, people all over the country are message boarding about the subcontractor trucks in the neighborhood.
Word(s) of the day: BUFFALO ENUMERATION
Lexie log: I can't wait for the circus tomorrow. I hope I have my new glasses so I can thoroughly enjoy watching Lex and the circus. I'm really excited about doing more stuff as the weather gets nicer. I just off the phone with her and she is fighting going on a walk with Daddy and Thumper. She used to love them and always had fun, but all this week she has refused.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Betty, friends, weekends, happiness, and life.
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