Monday, April 03, 2006

Bad Boys, Bad boys, Whatcha gonnna do...

Monday, April 3, 2006
I'm a little miffed at my blogger word editor. It just stopped working Friday. I typed up Friday's blog and spent another ten minutes trying to get it to publish. It happened again this morning, so forget it. I'm back to this.

I just heard that our security guard was attacked Friday afternoon. Top it off, it was Bud Man who attacked him. I used to be able to set my clock by Bud Man. Every mornin at 8:04, he would walk across the Broadway and 42nd intersection carrying a case of empties. Then at 8:08 he'd go back the other way with a fresh case. We gave him the name 'Bud Man.' I've run across him once in person, at 6:30am (before Rite-aid, his normal bud purchasing facility, opens) he was headed through our parking lot to buy beer from the Chevron station. He seemed pleasant enough when I crossed his path. Not Friday though. Rigo saw him acting suspicious around some cars in our lot and confronted him. Bud Man clobbered him over the head with a bag of bottles, then went to grab a rock from a pile close by him. Rigo swung his night stick and connected at least once. Other stories tell that Bud Man landed a few more punches, but of this I'm not sure. Finally, Bud Man fled the scene. A bystander followed him and found out what floor he lives on in the towers. Someone in the clinic witnessed Rigo trying to get up, trying to dial his phone, and then collapsing. A nurse called 911 and Rigo ended up at the hospital via ambulance. He is doing fine, laceration to the head, broken occipital bone. Bud Man was apprehended and sent away.

Word(s) of the day: CIRCUS GATTI

Lexie log: She so much loved riding the elephant! I'll have to post pictures soon. All in all she loved the circus. She was pretty tired by the end, but had a blast. She got a new light up princess wand that she loves.

Sunday she had her last swim class for the session. She is moving up to Water Safety I with the same teacher, but at 1:00pm instead of 11:30am. I hope this doesn't make her more tired and fussy. Some days she wont nap until around 6:00pm. We'll see.

After swim we went to the river. Lexie and I played in the sand while Thumper race up and down the beach.

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