Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Flea, fly, mosquito, Oh, no, no, no, not mosquitoes!

I already miss being on vacation! Even with all the mosquitoes and a cold, Lexie had a blast. She loved all the attention and the outdoors, She constantly wanted me to go on walks with her. It was the best. If you took away the mosquitoes and illness, it would have been heavenly. I'll have to post pictures soon. Right now, we are short handed, it's month end, and we have another staffing change. Swapping IT staff this afternoon. Busy, busy, busy. Had the situation been even slightly less hectic, I would have opted to stay home and recouperate.

Word(s) of the day: UBIQUITOUS

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, vacation, Advil cold and sinus, 7UP and orange juice, weekends, camping, and life.

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