Monday, May 15, 2006

Someday over the rainbow...

Well, I wish I had more time to blog today, but I'll try to get a brief one that doesn't go too much past my break. This weekend was awesome! The weather was grande, I fell in love with Bullwinkles, and Mother's day was fantastic (minus me being a tad hormonal Sat. night, Mon. morning.) The beach was just gorgeous and Lexie and Thumper just loved it. We had a wonderful dinner at the Chinook Winds buffet. After dinner, Frank and his Mom each played five dollars on a slot machine. Frank turned five in to 83.00 and Betty turned hers into 77.00.

Word(s) of the day: GLORY

Lexie log: Lexie loved the bumper boats, and the sling shot. Her laugh charmed the guy running the show. He mentioned it was the cutest laugh he had ever heard, and she even had him laughing. She wasn't so great at golf, she was worn out by then. She really enjoyed playing with the other kids and just adores Lucas. Her Dad told her to give him a birthday kiss, and when she tried, he wouldn't let her, so she cried. It was cute, yet a little heart breaking. I wish we could have parties there every weekend.
Grammy mentioned that she had never before seen anyone swim in the sand...Lexie did. She was in heaven.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom, Dad, family and friends, weekends, fun, sun, the ocean, and life.

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