Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What a ride.  Mother's day was great, especially the company and the three mile hike.  Dinner was awesome too.  The only down side was on the way to Chris' front door after the hike, I twisted my ankle and fell.  Big problem with this fall, was the element that has been one of my biggest fears for the last five years.  I had a sleeping Lexie in my arms.  I kept hold of her, but she smacked her tailbone on the cement, and then her head.  I can still hear the sound of her noggin knocking the walkway.  I woke her up every half hour during her next nap.  No concussion, she's fine now.  Later, much later that night, Lex finally decided that she wanted to talk to her dad on the phone.  Lexie's dad has no respect for her (or anyone else's for that matter) boundaries.  I'm not sure what his situation was, but he wouldn't let her off the phone.  He babbled to her for an hour and a half while sitting in his car listening to the radio.  She kept trying to interrupt him and tell him she had to get off the phone and go to bed, but he wouldn't let her.  Now she doesn't ever want to talk to him on the phone again.  I know now that I should have taken the phone away sooner, but hind site being what it is, doesn't really change the past.  

Saturday Lexie and I took Griffen and Chance (our charge for Friday night 'till Sunday) to waterfront park.  The dry-land Iditarod.  Griffen leashed on the left side of the baby jogger, and Chance tied on the right.  After a nice stroll up the river, Lexie played in the fountain.  She had a blast and now she has a cold.

Today I'm grateful for: Lexie, Mom and Dad, my job and friends, pets, weekends, Lexapro, iPod, life.

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