Thursday, February 23, 2006

And the Wichita Lineman is still on the line.

Thursday, February 23, 2006
Whew!  Busy week.  – Thumper graduates from beginning obedience training next Wednesday.  We’ve yet to decide if we will move on to intermediate.  I think it would be great fun, but not as necessary as the first one.  Basically, we could get by without it, but it would be great experience. He is the only one in his class that can do a high-five, so last night, we worked on high-ten, while the other dogs worked on high five.

Word(s) of the day:  PURPLE

Lexie log:  Poor little angel has another cold.  Like clockwork, two and a half days after a ‘hands-on’ experience in a multi-child environment (OMSI), she gets another little bug.  She is such a trooper though.  She started sneezing Tuesday sometime, I heard her on the phone.  The she told me she didn’t feel well, and she was sick.  I asked her if she had a cold, and she said she did.  I’m not sure Daddy was convinced yet though.  She knows her body pretty well already.  By the time we were at dog school, she was sneezing with a runny nose, and by the middle of the night she was coughing, congested, and low-grade fever.  She takes her medicine like a big girl now, because she can associate that her symptoms go away, or at least subside, shortly after taking it.  – She hasn’t got the concept of the phone being audio only.  She keeps trying to get me to see or smell things when I call home.  The other day, she dropped the phone and then proceeded to ask, “Are you OK Mommy?”  So cute.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Gramma Betty, weekends, camping, power naps, cuddling, my cats and dog, and happiness.

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