Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn't already have, and Cause never was the reason for the evening or the tropic of Sir Galahad.

Almost getting better, light at the end of the tunnel. It seems that not feeling so well causes me to be more ornery than usual. People here are starting to notice. Going to the doctors in a couple minutes at the request of cube mates. They say I was pale this morning and my neck lump is worrisome. Off I go...

Many many many hours later.... 10:35 pm to be exact. Dr. sent me home with antibiotics that won't send me to the ER or my grave. Slept for a while with Lexie and recovered. Off to bed.

Word(s) of the day: GOITER SALSA

Lexie log: She has been a very naughty girl tonight and has been banished to her room to watch toilet training videos and go to bed. Her cold is super better, but she is still a snot machine. Her cough is better. She is having a hard time adjusting to being punished. Boy this could be a long ride... She has been told to stay in her room, but we keep having to hand walk her back in there. It is exactly like an episode of Nanny 911. I never thought I'd be grateful for that show, but I am. -- On a lighter note... She has learned how to "play" the harmonica. I'm sure there was something else cute I was going to mention today, but I'm too tired now. More tomorrow.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, the cats, Mom Dad and Betty, and lots more wonderful things that I'll dream about in a few...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Rachel you finally did it. You got that song running arround in my head. Bad, bad girl.