Thursday, June 30, 2005

Felix the cat, the wonderful wonderful cat. You'll laugh so much your sides will ache your heart will go pitter pat, watching Felix the wonderful cat

He's in Kitty heaven now. I seem to be handling it ok, but the minute I started to type this and think of it, tears welled up in my eyes, so I'm definitely still very hurt. Just know it was peaceful and easy, for him. Yesterday the weather was spectacular. Felix and I lounged on a blanket out on the grass in the shade of the pine until he got tired of me staring at him and talking to him, and so he hobbled away back to the deck. I tried to follow and spend more time with him, but he basically told me he'd had enough attention and to buzz off. Made me smile. Ever since we got Miadda, he's been pretty much a loner. He loves to be loved and cuddled on his terms and for his ideal length of time. *big sigh* Angie Untisz was the mostest awesomest vet I have ever encountered. Once again Felix and family were blessed with a kind, caring, compassionate, animal lover. That's all I have to say about that. Yes, I did forget to mention in Tuesday's blog the time Fee took an unauthorized two day vacation in the trailer part next our apartment. Of course, that's just my guess on where he was. He could have been under/around the apartments, or in a field close by, but the scariest is that we lived right next to highway 217. Worried sick for the whole time, I slept on the couch under the open living room window with the screen removed. Came to find later that he did try to get back in through the window, but he was off the mark and tried to jump in the next door neighbors window. I also probably left out tons of nicknames, but a couple more I remembered were Clickity Claws, Scoo Bah, Scuba Steve, and Grand Paw. At the memorial, a family of five raccoons, four babies, had a procession less than six feet in front of us, at 3:15 in the afternoon. They were making little raccoon noises and seemed to have absolutely no fear. I love you Felix!

Word(s) of the day: THANATOLOGY

Lexie log: Lexie got up at 7:30 in the morning yesterday. This is extremely early, but it worked very well for the day. A little before noon, I took her to her room and stuck in "Home on the Range" and left for a while. When I came back she had tucked herself into bed and was taking a nap. She slept until 3:50. I think she's cutting more teeth or something, but whatever it was, it worked out wonderfully. Felix and I got to spend time I needed together without her interrupting, she didn't have to witness any part of anything, and she's none the wiser. Just as LB here at work said, no hurry to loose her innocence. There are four other fuzzy creatures in the house, and three of those actually expect and sometimes covet her attentions (unlike Felix), so we are waiting to see if she even notices. She certainly flew into a panic and hysterics at a recent vet visit when the tech took him away down the hall and left us without him, but in general, Felix had a self-imposed restraining order of about 15 feet. If she violated it, he'd just move away. She knows his name and who he is, but doesn't have any close relationship with him. Other than that, she has been more temperamental (I was going to say fussier, but that seems inappropriately young for her now) for the last couple days. My guess it is a combination of her picking up on the general vibes of stress and high emotion, mixed with a whooper of a tooth somewhere in the back.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Felix's love, Angie Untisz, sunny days, peace, memories, dreams, BP and Dad, Mom's support, co-workers and friends sympathy and support, and life.

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