Wednesday, August 24, 2005

And I said, "What about 'Breakfast at Tiffany's?'" She said, "I think I remember that film, And as I recall I think we both kind of liked it,"

Happy Birthday Jan. Now that the third desk in our cube is vacant, some decision has been made to use it as a buffet table for all the goodies people brought in for Jan's birthday. Absolutely nothing healthy except for the Strawberry, Feta, Cranberry, Almond, Leaf luttuce salad with Newman's raspberry vinegrette dressing. The rest is chips, dips, cake, muffins, brownies, and other assorted sweets. -- Frank is 100% better.

Word(s) of the day: SOLILOQUY

Lexie log: Writers block. Lexie fell in love a with a colorful leather cow that the gals at the office sent home with me. She cried when I took it away from her to wash it off. -- I'm at a loss for words. An abundance of sugary foods at work has caused a dramatic sugar high followed by a guaranteed sugar crash marked by blank stares, overheating, and generalized lethargy.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, soda pop, Jan's birthday, laughter, super funny E-card with Hoops and YoYo, and fun with family.

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