Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with this black-haired flamenco dancer

Happy birthday to Dad, Happy birthday to Dad, Happy birthday dear Daaaaaaad, Happy birthday to you!  I just ate a bell pepper sweet as a birthday cake.  Hope you have a terrific next year full of good health, happiness, and prosperity.  I LOVE YOU, DAD!

I wear slippers at work.

AY caramba!  This is my daily food intake at work; boiled egg, kiwi, grapes, two small tomatoes, two soy shakes, a bell pepper with fat free ranch, ¼ cup left over macaroni, and a tiny slice left over meatloaf.  Then, six of the gals up here chip in and they are all having the greasiest food on earth, Poor Richards.  Every thing there is deep-fried, potatoes, mushrooms.  It’s so hard to eat healthy around these people, but today I am successful.

On Monday Mom bought Thumper a huge, I mean HUGE dog bone.  Looks like it came from a dinosaur.  He’s still working on it, but he’s got in four pieces now.

Tonight is my binocular focus group.  Should be interesting.

Word(s) of the day:  WIKIPEDIA

Lexie log:  She has started picking out her own clothes.  It’s very cute to see her choices in color and style.  – Yesterday I noticed that she initiated a conversation with me about what she did during the day without prompting from Daddy.  She showed me her hands and told me that her fingernails were clipped.  

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, Betty, slippers, pictures, cows,

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