Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sky rockets in flight...

Monday, March 06, 2006
Wow, what a wonderful weekend.  Saturday, the river, Sunday, Mom and Dads.  – Month end closed Friday night (from home), so that’s almost done.  Tying up loose ends of reports and what not.

Word(s) of the day:  MINUTIA

Lexie Log:  We continued or Saturday routine (for the last half month) of taking Thumper to the river, then going to Gramma Betty’s and out to dinner at the Mexican place on Interstate.  We got a bit of a late start, and didn’t make it home in time to go to swim, but Lexie was exhausted and conked out by the time we got home anyway.  – Yesterday she did the best ever in swim.  I overheard Teacher AJ tell Lilya that she was penciled in for Water Safety I.  I wonder if she will have a new teacher, and how she will handle that.  She did a perfect starfish, listened really well, swam really well, got toys from the bottom of  the pool twice, and had a blast.  – After swim we went out to Yamhill to visit Grammy and Grandpa.  Lexie keeps changing the way she says his name, and for most of yesterday she called him Gramma-Pa.  She just loved being there, Thumper thought he was in heaven tromping around the forest, and Daddy and I really enjoyed ourselves.  It was so pleasant that we stayed longer than I expected, and even when we did leave, I wished we could stay longer.  But, to home we returned and had a pleasant evening.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, weekends, rivers, water, swimming, laughter, and life.

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