Monday, March 27, 2006

There's a little black spot on the sun today, Same old thing as yesterday...

Monday, March 27, 2006
Well, another super weekend.  Saturday we went on our weekly trip to Dittler’s.  This was an interesting trip.  As we drove there, Frank pointed out the sky showing impending wetness.  We knew that we would only be there a short time before rain encouraged up back to the car.  But, we were still determined to make a ‘run’ of it.  So, Thumper got in a couple swims, and I ‘oooooh’d and ‘aaahhh’d at the sky and the atmosphere.  The Southwest sky was black and green, good stormy colors.  The Northeast sky was White with a hint of grey, super bright.  This caused the lighting to be eerie and wonderful.  We were running later than usual, so we happened to be there as the tide was going out.  Truly amazing.  The closest I’ve seen to it was in Alaska on our fishing trip.  It was like someone pulled the stopper out of the Columbia and all the water was washing away, but still with a current.  There had been dozens of sailboats a little to our west when we showed up.  Just before the green/black skys came upon us, the sailboats all started moving our direction.  A chilly breeze picked up.  We could see the wall of water coming from the sky about a mile away.  A couple fat, icy droplets of water slapped my forehead.  We put Thumper back on the leash and headed back up the beach.  We had only gotten a couple yards when the skies opened up pouring torrential buckets of rain and ice on us.  Thumper pulled Frank up the wet sandy beach to the car, but Lexie was like a little anchor.  She kept yelling that it was raining too much, but she moved slower than molasses to keep up with me.  So I swung her over my shoulder (she must be about 40 pounds by now) and continued to trudge up the wet sandy slope.  I got almost to the top before I had to put her down.  We were all completely drenched.  It would have been pointless to towel off Thumper, since we were swimming in the sky already, so when Lexie and I finally made it to the car, Frank and Thumper were sitting inside listening to the ice pelt the metal frame.  After we finally got going, Thumper got a good shake in, coating the back seat, and Lexie, with wetness of the dog.  We all laughed.  We tried again yesterday and had a much dryer go of it.  – As soon and my visa card is paid off, I sent the payment today, I’m getting an iPod.  I hope it won’t affect my blogging too much, but I’m going to start walking at lunch.  Either outside or at the gym, but I have to start.  I’m seeing Dr. Johnson Wednesday to talk about my blood pressure.  The closest it has ever been to normal was when I was pregnant, and even then it was high.  Every other doctor I’ve had has said that if it doesn’t go down, they want to put me on medication, and then I move or switch doctors.  So far, every time I’ve seen Johnson, he’s brushed it aside since I’m always coming in for other issues.  This time I’m making the appointment all about this issue.  I know that with diet and exercise, it will help, but I’m no longer willing to be taking this constant risk in the mean time.  It’s actually causing me fear and stress to worry about it so much.  So, my blog time may decrease to only a couple days a week, but it’s worth it.

Word(s) of the day: IMPETULANCE

Lexie log:  Boy, we really need to start our Saturday night swims again.  She is getting excellent at her listening and following instructions…except when it comes to her kicking and not using her hands.  Shortly after she pushes off, she starting doing some vertical inchworm/dolphin maneuver while she dog paddles with her hands.  It’s ridiculous looking, and during playtime it would be hysterical.  So, since we stopped going Saturday nights, she adds a little more playtime in on Sunday.  At least she had fun.  – Saturday, after our hail storm, we went to Gramma Betty’s.  Gramma climbed into the front seat and made Daddy sit in back with a very wet dog.  Lexie continuously spoke about how it was really, really raining too much.  She is very independently picking her own clothes out now, when I walked in her room before we left, she had already picked out what she was going to wear and putting it on.  Of course, she picked a summer time tank top, Capri pants, and sandals.  I gave in, figuring we could always layer once we got there.  So…it was warm enough for her outfit and a sweat coat…until the hailstorm.  Now she sate in the back seat drenched.  The first thing we did at Fred Meyers was head for the 60% discount clearance rack and I picked out blue sweat pants and a purple shirt.  Gramma went and bought them, and while she was in line, I found a pair of purple fuzzy slippers that Lex fell in love with.  I took them to another line and bought them.  Super deal, they were in the clearance area and had been marked down from nine something, to seven something, but when the clerk rang them up, they were only $1.99.  Hehe.  We went into the restroom and changed her.  She was a doll, and the other patrons in the bathroom all talked with her as they waited to wash up.  – Yesterday, we went to the river again after swim.  This time I brought along a bucket and some other things for her to play with, and she enjoyed herself more than any other time.  I created a channel for water to come up the beach and showed her how to pack sand into a cup and start building a sand castle.  She threw a fit when it was time to go.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, family, beaches, sand, rivers, weekends, atmosphere, and life.

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