Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Can't touch this...

The office administrator just told me I should have a pair of big pink fuzzy slippers. I frequently take my shoes off here and wander around in my socks. This may seem odd, but it works for me. Our cubicle is often on the too warm side for myself and TT. The other cuboccupant has issues with blood circulation as well as insulation. I am also a prime candidate for those strange cases you hear about where people spontaneously combust. For no good reason, my hands sometimes get so hot, you would think there were glowing. order to remain comfortable, I must vent some heat. So I have to put up with the occasional comment, and I do put the shoes back on when I go downstairs to clock out for lunch.

Word(s) of the day: MIASMA

No, my feet don't stink.

Argh! Every thing I typed at lunch was lost. Hating hating hating.

Dartboards are made out of horsehairs.

Lexie log: Lexie's new phrase/question, "What are you doing here?" So cute when she says it. -- Grammy came over yesterday. She, Frank and Lexie walked up to Safeway. It is reported that eventually Lexie needed to be strapped into her stroller, as apparently each passing mud puddle was too much of a temptation. After the walk, Grammy supervised as Lexie splashed, thrashed, played and swam in the tub. When I got home from work they were curled up on the pull out bed, and Fantasia was on the tube. Lexie was a slumber, Grammy was a playing opossum. Grammy brought a bag of balloons which was the theme for the rest of the evening. She popped a few and loved it. I loved rubbing them on her hair and then watching her spin around and grasp at it to get it off. Again with the hair fetish. I also static-stuck them to the kitchen wall, just out of reach. Bad Mommy. That didn't last any longer than her little fit. Ahh, balloon fun.

Oh, bummer. My audio book appears to have ended before the end. I can certainly re-record the ending over what's on there now, but still, I won't have it to listen to at the gym tonight. Goes so much faster with the book. Oh well.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, refrigerators, balloons, Mrs. Dash, the chance to re-type 90% of this wonderful blog entry after losing it to cyberspace (not!), wind and breezes, mossy rocks, and giraffes.

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