Daddy is out of commission again today. I guess he pulled a muscle in his arm or upper back yesterday horsing around with Lexie. It didn't bug him at all until he woke up this morning and couldn't move it. He took a muscle relaxant that the doctor gave him for back pain over a year ago. He's never taken it before, he was too stubborn with the back injury to take it. No when I talk to him on the phone he sounds doped up and it didn't do anything for the pain. And yes, he refuses to take an Ibuprofen. I'm afraid I will never understand him and his bizarre medical issues. I got really angry with him over the phone. He is making a fuss over being in pain, and I don't have the slightest doubt that he is in serious pain, but he just wants to say it over and over and expects me not to feel like I should come home and take care of Lexie. Very frustrating. I wonder how this will play into going to Olympia tomorrow. And of course, at some point he will probably read this and feel hurt that I am talking negative about him. I do love you honey, with all my heart. It's just that this is really on my mind during lunch and it's so boring here today, that I don't have any thing else to dwell on. Love you!
Word(s) of the day: MARSUPIAL

Hey, I'm having fun playing with HTML again. I haven't played around with it for ages. Of course, I imagine at some point the link to this picture could fail and it will look silly, but oh well.
By the way, that is supposed to be something called a Marsupial Lion. It's a depiction of what it most likely looked like, as it is now extinct.
Another odd thing... Almost as soon as I mentioned how quiet it is in here, LB started talking away, having a conversation with me. It has been hard to concentrate on what we are supposed to be discussing while I type away. I think we've talked about a huge payment she should be getting from Blue Cross, her allergies to Ivy, and her grandchild.
Lexie log: She still drags the sit and spin all over the house so she can spin where ever you happen to be. It was warm enough last night that we watched a little T.V. on the back deck, and she carted the darned thing out there. It seems even more obnoxious when outdoors at night with neighbors and all. She just loves it though. The strange way she tilts her head and squints and make guinea pig noises. She is so in love and in touch with all her senses still. -- I keep thinking about the mini-bio I did in a recent blog entry, and I really want to do another one. I'm sure I will when the mood strikes me. As it is now, I would love to tell the story of how Frank and I met, but my lunchbreak is almost over and I have typed quite a bit already. More to come. An add on to the previous mini-bio though... Lexie and I also watched the footage of the space shuttle Columbia tragedy. It happened on February 1, 2003, she was exactly two months old to the day. Many years earlier when another shuttle, the Challenger, exploded I was in the cafeteria at Hillsboro High. For the Columbia, it was about 6:00 am, we had just gotten up (for the bazillionth time) and, I was nursing Lexie. Our normal routine was to be out on the couch with the T.V. on. We caught the first coverage of the incident, before they even knew anything except that the shuttle was missing. It was so surreal. All they could do at first was speculate about was going on, where was the shuttle, what happened to it and the crew? All they knew was that the last communication was at 9:00 am EST. Then reports started coming in from eye witnesses saying they saw an explosion in the sky over Texas. It was an amazing and sad story to watch unfold. We couldn't take our eyes off the T.V. for 24 hours. All If anyone ever asks, Lexie can say where she was in her mammas lap when it happened.
Ok, I've gone over lunch, so off I go.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, push pins, mirrors, graphite, and hairbrushes.
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