Friday, February 18, 2005

You go back, Jack, and do it again...Wheels turning round and round...

Nice relaxing quiet Friday at work. Just got off the phone with Frank. He put Lexie on the phone and we had a nice little chat where she made different animal noises, said it was funny, asked where I was, said she didn't understand, and when I said I knew it was hard for her to understand, she said she knew. Hmm. It actually came out sounding like a semi-intelligent conversation.

I have this ongoing issue with forgetting things I was going to tell my mom. I get on the phone with her, and almost every time I say, "I thought I was going to tell you something, but I can't remember what it is." Well, I just this moment remembered one from over a week ago that is just silly now, but it is definitely one of those tiny 'things' I was going to tell her but forgot. I go to the bank drive through very frequently. The tellers all know me by name. Last week I was at the drive through and the teller accidentally called me 'Sandra' instead of Rachel. Very odd since Mom banks there too and that is her name. I told her that, she asked me if we looked alike and I said we did. She thinks that must be why she called me Sandra. Just wanted to share that tid bit with Mom but she's never around or on the phone when I remember.

Word(s) of the day: BOUT

Here is a list of some of the topics that were discussed in the office this morning between 10:00 and 11:00 AM: Sleeping Beta fish, Alpha Beta grocery stores, Herbie the Love bug, Dodge Neon, raunchy license plate border about the other ride, crochet patterns, Dr. Dinkston at the Robbery Clinic, impulse spending, Trader Joe's Chai tea, car bombing in Vancouver, Michael Jackson, Carries's cough, if Carrie is doing anything fun on her day off- like going to the coast, LB clipping her nails, Payless human manicure kit dremmel used for birds claws-maybe ok for cats, sturdy roses, cat grooming and static shock as Downy/water was sprayed on the office carpet.


Yesterday I had a bout of stupidity.

No offense to my cubicle cohorts, but I really like being alone over here. No TT, no Carrie. If I had to do it everyday I might get lonely, but it sure is nice.

Price of Tea in China: Cup @ restaurant= free, Cup @ tea house= approx 15 - 20 Yuan, One pound bag of Tie Guan Yin = approx 150 USD.

Yeah, that's right, I actually researched that.

I just made myself a cup of French Vanilla coffee.

The Honda does not smell like hamburger.

Lexie log: I can't wait for the batteries in the sit and spin to go dead. I bet Frank would love it even more. If they weren't such a pain to remove, we'd have done it by now. I hope she doesn't mind using it without the obnoxious soundtracks. Frank and I were not-so-seriously talking about if Lexie would be a happy, decent child actor. She is so outgoing, animated, dramatic, and beautiful. I guess we are biased though. Anyway, it is not something we would normally consider with all the controversy that goes along with children celebrities. Then today LB said she wished she could be a contestant/participant, so I was looking up local auditions on the Web. Came across a career posting board for extras, models, commercials, actors of all ages, no experience. Have I lost my mind???!!! I submitted a couple photos to the email with my contact info. What on earth has entered my oh so tiny brain? -- I tried to watch Shark Tale with her last night and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up and the menu screen was on and she had deserted me to crawl in bed. Harumph! -- Daddy and I had a brief difference of opinion on whether or not she should have low carb ketchup. Then he tried it and saw that it tasted the same. Less sugar is all. -- One of the bazillion temporary nicknames she has right now is 'little monkey'. She is prancing all about the house with some amount of energy that I just can't fathom. -- She is getting very good at naming animals and making their sounds. She does a brilliant cocadoodledoo, and a very impressive roar. Her oink and whiny are improving. -- Whenever we go out, like to the grocery store, when we walk holding her hand, she can't stand to walk normal. She has to do this odd skipping thing. Very cute. She's been doing this for over a month now. She has had somewhere between five and ten tempertantrums in public places. Mostly the grocery store, mostly when she needs a nap, and always about mode of transportation. She gets mad about having to be in the cart, doesn't like to stand still when holding hands, and falls down screaming if you don't let her tear of around the store on her own. I am still utterly amazed at how other patrons don't even turn to look when she is in full throw. I have begun to wonder how many times in my life I have heard a young child wailing in public and paid it no notice. I have started trying to pay more attention to this. -- Last weekend we went to Petco for a fish tank filter replacement. Originally, I was just going to go in and get it (didn't seem that complicated), but I had a little difficulty locating it. When I was in over five minutes, Daddy decided to bring Lexie in for a search and rescue mission. I was half-way back through the store (in the fish section), in the ailes, unable to even remotely see the front door. I could have sworn I heard Lexie say "Mommy?", so I went to investigate. I am pretty impressed that I honed in and recognized her voice. Some day, I will loose this, I know. I know this because now, when I call my Mom "Mom" in public, it takes two or three times at escalating decibels. Mom....MOM.....MOM!

Did you know that tea leaves contain phenols which can absorb radioactive strontium?

Today I am grateful for Frank and Lexie, tea, mayonnaise, KC's generosity, water, common sense, parking spaces, and q-tips.

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