Thursday, July 14, 2005

We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year...

Ok, whatever, so that's the only song stuck in my head on the warmest, blue day of July. I'm typing from home. Stomach issue requiring frequent skips to my lu prevent me from risking an attempt to drive the 25 miles to work and then chance the availability of the facilities once there. The darndest thing since I don't really feel that terrible. Odd how I can make it at work just fine feeling twice as bad, as long as it's not a stomach thing. So...Now I sit here at the 'puter typing away with Charlie FM streaming from their website. The weirdest thing is now happening because Frank, in the living room, heard the music so he turned on the stereo in there to Charlie also. Of course, streaming causes quite a delay, so it's really quite queasy. That's the only way I can think of to describe it.


Lexie log: Well, she got up after I was already in here on the computer around 10:00am. She got a hold of a pen, Daddy said I should take it away from her, and I said that she's got to learn to use one sooner or later. He (jokingly, I hope) says, "She can use one when she's 13", I ask what she is supposed to write with until then. He says a pencil, I say, "That's even more dangerous", he says, "A dull pencil..." Anyway, I let her keep hold of the pencil and the next time I look over, she's used her bare stomach/chest as her tablet. So, a quick encounter with rubbing alcohol and some gauze teaches her that she should not write there. I gave her some blank printer paper and she went to work drawing. When she was done with each picture, she handed it to me and I asked her what it was a picture of. When she told me, I labeled the pictures so now I have her first gallery. I'll try to get them scanned on Grammy's computer so I can post them here. The names of the pictures are; "Lion King", "Circle", "Flower", "Flower (II)", "Just a Picture", "Face", "Fish", and "Cow". And...Yes as her mother, I can truly see these subjects in her depiction. Of course you may notice that many of these subjects in real life have a general roundness to them. This concept seems to appear in many, if not all, of her work. I did not help her with any of the titles, accept maybe "Face". When I asked her what that one was, she said she didn't know, I told her it looked a little like a face, and she shook her head once with obvious approbation and declared, "Face!"

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, British Breakfast tea, Splenda, Milk, Spinach, the kitties, sleeping in, pictures, bananas, and warm light.

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