Thursday, January 05, 2006

...Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica boulevard...

Thursday, January 05, 2006
I’m excited about getting the missing fee ticket report under control.  It may be a little unreasonable to set a goal to have worked it entirely by the end of tomorrow, but it’s a fun project.  – Just got an entertaining email from Seth detailing his approximately two hour commute to his new job in the bay area.  At one point he depicts the array of bay area homeless and tells how he thwarted a solicitation by a bum posing as a nurse to the homeless by asking the man what an ‘ulna’ was. Strange person. – Yesterday Frank super cleaned all the bird feeders and the bird area and cleaned out Lexie’s closet as well as taking off the closet doors.  It looked really great when I got home.  And it was just in time for her Christmas present.  The FedEx truck showed up right as we were heading out to the store.  – It finally happened; Thumper got too big for the cat door and got his shoulder/elbow stuck between the inner and outer wall of the house where my Dad created a cat door to the cat run.  We were in the other side of the house when all the sudden we heard the most awful crying from the garage.  We flew out there and just his head and right arm where poking out.  I had to force his shoulder back out.  I was freaking out and yelling at Frank to go outside and make him reverse out of there.  He calmly told me to move aside and let him come the rest of the way through.  I finally listened to him and Thumper squeezed through…Hopefully he won’t try that again.

Word(s) of the day:  ULNA

Lexie log:  Sometime earlier this week Lexie came up to us, pointed to the clock and said it was 10:00.  It just so happened she was right and it just about floored me.  It was so cute.  It wasn’t until this morning that I realized that 10:00 (am or pm) is the most commonly spoken time in our house.  We’re either talking about what time on a weekend we’re planning on doing something (10:00am), or I’m grumbling about how it’s already 10:00pm and I need to go to bed.  – Every number she sees right now she calls the number ‘eight’.  Show her a two; she’ll call it an eight.  – Daddy and I assembly (mostly) her kitchen that Grammy got her. She just loves it.  We’ll finish up tonight.  – I’m excited about swim this weekend and family obedience training for Thumper.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, Grammy and Grandpa, swimming, cranberry juice, laughter, good times, and life.

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