Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Happy New Year! Eyeball headache from combo sinus pressure (I think) and staring intently at not-so-crisp monitor, non-stop since 6:55am. Time to take a break. So far only one semi-minor repercussion of Seth’s absence. No data shows up on pre-scheduled SQL report and I don’t have a clue what’s causing it to fail or how to get to the report to fix it even if I did. – Oh, and did I mention that I was almost in tears Saturday when I realized that I had been putting in all these extra hours on a week with a Holiday and wouldn’t get overtime pay for the extra hours????? Well, I forgot about that, didn’t I! At least after talking to HR this morning I was not correct assuming that the extra hours would be absorbed into the holiday. I should still get paid for the hours I worked in addition to the holiday eight hours; it’s just that nothing under 48 will be paid time and a half. – Come in to work and the boiler isn’t working, cold, barely 65 degrees. I turn on all three space heaters in the cube and four hours later, it’s 75 degrees in the cube, mine is off, but Linda and Carrie’s are still on. Too hot.
Word(s) of the day: LOVE
Lexie log: First swim lesion of next session next weekend. – We stayed up for New Years this year. Daddy wasn’t feeling well, so he turned in early, but Lexie and I stayed up. We sat on the back porch and watched the countdown and screamed, “Happy New Years!” a few times. Then we heard fireworks out front, I ran through the house with her in my arms, we ran outside and witnessed Joanie’s family’s fireworks display. They had about the biggest fireworks I’ve seen up that close. Lexie loved it, and the next day instead of asking for her birthday (again) she asked for fireworks.
Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, long weekends, patience, Advil, reading, and a bunch of stuff that my weary mind can’t list out at the moment.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
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