Wednesday, December 28, 2005

And their kids were hippie chicks all hypocrites, Because fashion is smashin' the true meaning of it

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Yesterday was a blur.  After I blogged my morning break, I found out we had two interviews for Network Tech coming in. Admin JB and Seth asked me to join in. I was nervous at first during the first one, but it was much easier than I anticipated.  The second one was a lunch interview and I got a wonderful Turkey Cream cheese sammy from Tilly’s.  A bit odd to eat while your questioning a total stranger on why they should come work here.  I realized that we have become Linux/UNIX dependent around here in the last couple years.  Maybe I should learn a little about it?  The interviews also re-sparked my interest in programming.  We have another interview today at noon, and I’m much anticipating it.

Word(s) of the day: SPLENDIFEROUS

Lexie log:  She got another cold, most likely from Christmas gathering at Aunt Patty’s.  Unfortunately, that means she probably gave it to Kiara.  – Monday night instead of wanting to watch SpongeBob, she actually asked to re-watch home movies.  She pointed at the TV and said she wanted to watch the pictures again.  I accidentally picked the perfect one.  After wandering around the Newport Aquarium with Grandpa and Grammy, it has clips of her on her sit-n-spin, and then a long clip of her and Daddy playing karate fall down on bed to loud music and laughing hysterically.  I wasn’t in the room when she started watching this, but suddenly heard two sets of Lexie laughter, one from the video, and one from her watching the video.  She was so pleased with it that she dragged us into the bedroom and made us do it again.  Her laughter is irresistible.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, Mom and Dad, awesome job, my animals, and weekends.

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