Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm just a little black rain cloud, hovering under the honey tree, Only a little black rain cloud, pay no attention to little me...

Monday, December 05, 2005
7:18am.  It’s not even 60 degrees in here.  The network is down; the UNIX box is not even powered up.  The West side of the building is vibrating with some strange equipment in the basement where some workers who have been here since I don’t know when are trying to fix some ongoing plumbing issue.  I should have known it was going to be odd when I was pulling into the parking lot and had to do a double-take as I saw that the upstairs lights in DeSimone’s area were on and a couple trees (Fichus, I believe) were walking by the window.  
7:23am.  Phil (the man behind the walking Fichus) just turned on the boiler, I called Seth and he’s on his way in, and the strange vibrating has stopped.  Hopefully the network will be up within the hour and I can get all my Monday reports done and start with the month end.  Wish me luck…

Word(s) of the day:  BEWILDERED INKLING

Lexie log:  I pretty much went over it in yesterday’s blog, so I’ll just recap by saying how absolutely neat it was to see her swimming around looking under water.  She swims halfway across the pool, and I’m just so proud of her.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, electric space heaters, Amygdala management, and weekends.

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