Tuesday, December 06, 2005

No one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low. That is you can't, you know tune in, But it's all right, that is I think it's no too bad.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I’m taking my morning break early as I sort out some stuff.  I’m very frustrated at the way Gina handled the missing fee ticket report when Tami left.  I feel like she used it as a tool.  She continually remarked about how Barb said she wanted to get involved and learn how to do it but never followed up.  She used that as an excuse to let it slide and go untouched for so long.  When she did work it, she held the tickets and gave a huge stack to Jan on her last day.  Now if I start working the report, as I’d really like to, I run the risk of duplicating her research since she kept no log and the coders won’t start working what she gave them until tomorrow.  The first thing I did was to make a tracking log to document the reference numbers/patients I sent to be entered and the date I sent them.  It can be sorted by name, doctor, you name it…and when I run the next report, I can verify that I’m not duplicating and they’re not sitting on someone’s desk.  --  Month end has gone smoothly so far, just waiting on the final charge entry.

Word(s) of the day:  PURPLE     

Lexie log:  Grammy came over yesterday and they set up a big drawing tablet and did crayon art.  When I got home we pulled out the magic finger-paints that only show up on special paper.  We’re having her big birthday bash this weekend.  Linda brought in the cutest purple bear with a hand crocheted outfit for Lexie.  The people I work with are awesome and all so kind to Lexie.  I wish I could bring her into the office more.  – We really, really, really need to get her some rain boots and a long raincoat.  They had some cute (overpriced I’m sure) pink ones at her swim class lobby, and Lexie went straight to them, but they only went up to size four.  I would really like to go out hiking around in not so great weather and stay dry.  – Daddy taught her to hold up three fingers to show how old she is.  She learned yesterday morning and was tickled to show off her new talent to Grammy and I.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, weekends, kind people, laughter, English toast bread, Mom and Dad, jackets.

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