Saturday, November 12, 2005

I was totin' my pack along the long dusty Winnamucka road, When along came a semi with a high canvas covered load...

Saturday, November 12, 2005
Brief Saturday blog. I forgot to mention that yesterday was Vetran's Day. For the past three years, I've had the perk at work of sitting at a second story window that looks down 42nd to Broadway. Every year they have a little Vetran's Day parade on Broadway that I watch from the window. I always know when it's about to start when the jet does a screamingly low fly by that shakes the window. This year I actually saw the jet.

I just finished cleaning up 17 Thumper land mines in the back yard. Time to get one of those high tech scooping devices. That made my back sore.

Word(s) of the day: FLOWER

Lexie log: Last night Thumper and Lexie played in the tub. Thumper never got in, he did have a lap or two, but he was content to watch her splash and play. Oh, his eleven week old birthday was yesterday, and as of today, his left ear is standing at attention instead of floppy. So, he will have German Shepherd ears. Lexie and Thumper, Daddy and I are going off to Dittler's for a 'run', then to Gramma Betty's, then swimming. We got a seven dollar refund from an overpayment on Lexie's Blue Cross insurance, and that happens to be exactly how much it costs for the three of us to go swimming.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, pets, weekends, Love Spell, Franks breakfast burrito, Friend's Central Perk's style coffee cup (since my oversized drug rep cup cracked when I put hot water in it last weekend), and life.

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