Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Playing in a traveling band...Yeh.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I don’t go to lunch!  I eat while I work.  If I had a cloaking device, people wouldn’t ask me questions at lunch.  If I had money or time, I’d leave the building, but wait; I can’t get away from my desk.  So…I’m weary of worrying about the cats, dog, VCR clocks, and Lexie while I’m at work too.  I need a vacation.  If anyone around me, especially Frank, doesn’t have a bubbly, perky attitude, I tend to clench my teeth and hold my breath.  I wish.  Bad timing for my blog, but I’m damn near in tears right now because I’m busy and I can’t cope with other people’s downhearted, low spirits.

Word(s) of the day:  NONSENSE

Lexie log:  She ran herself and all of us ragged yesterday.  She played in the Freddy’s play area as we went through the check out line.  We ran obstacle course down the aisles to get her out of the store.  She never took a nap.  I love her.  She loved to watch the recording of her swim lesson from Sunday.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, vacations, sleep, rest, and happiness.

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