Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Turkey lurkey doo, and Turkey lurkey dap, I eat the turkey, Then I take a nap...(Adam Sandler)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Short blog again today.  I’m really falling into the groove of this job.  Once the first solo month end is accomplished, I think I’ll get some relief.  I won’t be blogging again until next Monday since we’re off to Detroit Lake this afternoon.  I’m so excited.  I really need a vacation and some relaxation.  It will be worth it and I can some quality relaxing time with Frank and Lexie…and Thumper.  And icing on the cake; camping with good people, good friends Michelle and Mike…and Isabella.  I can’t stress enough how kind this couple is.  They have planned, purchased and prepared all our evening meals, including Thanksgiving.  Frank and I (and Mom) shopped for snacks, breakfast and lunches.  We’re also bringing a bean dip and chips, macaroni salad, and if Frank has time today, he was going to whip up some of his awesome potato casserole.  We stayed up pretty late last night packing the camper.  Came to find out that Thumper decided to break his impeccable potty training record and peed on his (used to be Lexie’s) bean bag.  So this morning at 6:00am I was emptying out enough of the beans to fit it into the wash and see how it goes through.  I just got off the phone with Frank, and I really don’t see how we are going to be ready to leave when I get home.  He said he hopes he isn’t rushing around all day.  That means there will most likely be plenty left to do and I should just count on an after dark arrival and hook up.  Ok, well then, there it is…Now that I’ve decided that’s what’s going to be, I’m fine with it, and anything earlier will be gravy.  --  Thursday is not only Thanksgiving, it is Betty’s birthday.  We’ll be missing it, but she’s happy to have us having a good time.  We’ll call from Detroit to wish her a happy birthday and her daughter lives two doors down.  I hope she has a decent birthday.

Word(s) of the day:  CRISP

Lexie log:  It is such a joy to see her as a baby in our home movies.  We are just transferring them to DVD, and we did one last night while she was napping and we were packing.  It was hard not to just sit there and watch it.  When they are all transferred, we’ll have to watch them again.  I hope she really enjoys this camping trip.

My break time has run out and I have to go to a meeting, so until next week…HAPPY THANKSGIVING (and happy birthday to Gramma Betty).

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, water, energy, wind, sunny weather, dexterity, highlighters, taste buds, senses, my kitties and Thumper, Tracy for coming over to check on them while we are gone, so many blessings and things to be thankful for this holiday, and life.

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