Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Getcha getcha ya ya da da.

Another gorgeous day outside. My A/R looks awesome! This is Buttercup Girdlebrains reporting to you live from cube one along with Loopy Applebrain and Pinky Bubblebuns.

I don't know how long it's been since I 'blogged' this complaint, but the temperature in this building is still far from under control. The HVAC air conditioning system is far from automatic. I'm just not hopeful that it will ever be pleasant. I moved one of our make-shift mobile thermostats to my desk from the ailseway ten feet away, and it jumped from 70 to 75 in five minutes. I just walked back to the Dot-matrix in the back hallway by the "control room" and overheard the contractors discussing that they had to wait until the outside temperature is 60 degrees to do something. There are boilers, fresh air intake, ....hmm...I shouldn't have even to start to list the equipment I overhear them referring to, because I can't remember it all. There is some elaborate link on the intranet that monitors the current temps in whatever location you select, even shows a historical graph that's fun to look at. But...90% of the people I hear are uncomfortable 100% of the time. Someone always has a fan on, and 20 feet away, someone else always has their portable electric heater. Although this may mean some job security for the contractors, I feel pity for the way it makes them seem semi-incompetent and at the nightmare of a building/system they have to deal with. Hey, but progress is progress! Hell, we finally got an exhaust fan installed in the bathroom last year.

Vexing question of the day: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Grammy asked me something like this on Sunday in the RV, and I was overly perplexed by it. I never stopped to realize exactly how contented I am with my current job. The issue is that there doesn't really seem to be any upward progress or ladder to climb. I actually think that is one of it's appeals. I used to strive to be team lead, supervisor, trainer etc. Don't want to anymore. My favorite of these jobs was trainer, and I would possibly consider accepting that position again. I think I was decent at it. This place is so under-documented though. Hardly any policies or procedures are in writing. That is something I would not want to take on. The other issue is location. It would be nice not to have to drive this far to work, but I am starting not to mind so much. I like the people, for the most part, I like the atmosphere, I like the work load and content, I love the hours, and the pay is decent. Anyway, the question some how pinched a nerve in my psyche, like maybe I should really look for a job in IT. Mommy tantrum: Mommy throws herself to the ground, pounds with alternating fist violently while screaming, "I DON'T WANNA! I DON'T WANNA! I DON'T WANNA!" Bushism: "Not gonna do it."

Mini HVAC update. Just went back there again and they are all sitting around the conference room table (waiting for it to hit 60?) talking about political magazines with our hyper-green-party IT man, Seth. NRA and New Republican. Hmmm... sounds like a HOT topic, get it? hahaha HOT.....

Word(s) of the day: VEX

Lexie log: Grammy picked a picture for the March of Dimes thingy. One of my favorites also. It on the blog a ways down, the close up of her face with wild hair before her bangs were cut. There is a bird show at the Washington County fairgrounds next week. Val, the bird girl, said something about it today. Cost five dollars for adult, Lexie probably free. Seems like a great idea since she loves birds as well as fish. Last week aquarium, this week bird show? I hope we get to go. -- She is still stubbornly resisting saying, "I love you". To me, it's now obvious that she is not doing it because her Daddy keeps prompting her too. She refuses to perform, and the more you try to get her to do or say something she knows you expect of her, the more she refuses. It will come when she feels like it. Just called home on the phone for lunch and Lexie answered the phone. She said, paper, cookie, Elmo, you scarda me, and something that sounded like, 'oh birdas", with a bunch of Lexie gibberish in between. Loving her phone calls.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, stretches, fine felt-tip pens, baby talk, Alaska, Ken Follet, magnets, peace of mind, and contentment.

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