I wonder what the average life span of a blog is. Recently, three blogs that myself and a co-worker read every once in a while seem to have dried up. One outright disappeared. I wonder how many people originally think, "Wow! What a great idea!" and then eventually loose interest. One person actually quite their blog because it was all about their horrible roommate (flat mate) and they ended up moving out. The subject matter for the blog ceased to exist.
Mini-bitch session: 1) I'm a little tired of LOST being a re-run. I've never been addicted to a series before, but this one has got me hooked. 2) Yesterday I could barely hear the radio at work all day because SOMEONE (Carrie!) had a hang-over. There, do feel sufficiently blog flogged!
Strange dictionary definition excerpt for the day:
"...usage Since some people take sense 2 to be the opposite of sense 1, it has been frequently criticized as a misuse. Instead, the use is pure hyperbole intended to gain emphasis, but it often appears in contexts where no additional emphasis is necessary." | ![]() |
(What a fun game.)
Word of the day: MISHMASH
Here is another odd time filler for the Linguistically Internet Inclined. Go to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary and look up a word, like 'pull' for instance, and see how far off from that word you can get by following the synonym hyperlinks. Verbs work best. Here is mine: SOGGY-SOAKED-STEEP-SHEER-SWERVE-DEVIATE
and this one was kinda funny:
It really is only fun if you are extremely bored.
They started filling the pool at the gym last night. I noticed it on the way to the steam room. Since it won't be open again until Monday, it made me wonder how long it takes to fill. I'm actually kind of looking forward to seeing tonight. This was a strange but really cool thing though; There are eight spouts around the insides of the pool, and each one was streaming water into the pool. It wasn't even 1/8th of the way full. It is an indoor pool in a large room with the walls about eight feet away from each side of the pool. The ceiling is very high, like a warehouse. The echo in there is great. The steam room is adjacent to the pool, with the door opening at one end of the pool. From inside the steam room, after the steam had stopped, you could hear the muffled sounds of the water filling the pool. After I spent about 15 minutes stretching and relaxing in the steam room, I decided to sit on the bench outside the door for a couple of minutes. The combination of the way you feel after 20 minutes exercise and a good steam bath is wonderful enough, but through in the exhilarating coolness when you step out and sit down and listen to this huge cement room echoing with eight streams pouring onto cement and slapping against the water. It was so neat, I probably sat there for at least five to ten minutes. The effect was almost that of a slow waterfall into a large pool, but without the background noises of birds, bugs and wind...Just the water. Man, do I love water.
Lexie log: When I got home yesterday, she was nap-less and wanting to be entertained. She so loves the karate dance game, that she would not leave Daddy alone, just had a tantrum and kept pulling his arm and clothes to get him into our bedroom. He did give in for a while, but this game will wear anyone down quick...Except for Lexie, even when she is tired. When he came back out, she tantrumed some more and I tried to get her to give Daddy a break, but she kept squirming and kicking and screaming. Then, as I was taking her into the office to try to distract her with some online Teletubbies, she spotted the large sketch pad and Crayons Grammy brought her Monday. We sat on the office floor and colored for a while. She was tired enough that she refused to let me draw. All I got to do was watch and comment. She had three elements that worked well with; the circle, the line, and the aggressive smash dot (with a tail). She tends towards the cool colors; purple, blue, green, and violet red. The fact that the white Crayon left almost no visible mark on the paper did not deter her from using it for a while. She made sure to keep the Crayons neatly lined up next to each other and next to the tablet. When we were done with drawing we got in the car to do some errands and hopefully convince her to take a nap. She didn't. We came home and she ate dinner, chicken pieces, ketchup, corn, and macaroni and cheese. Then a brownie for desert. She watched both Teletubbie DVD's and then caught up with me putting away laundry in the bedroom. Lexie climbed up on the bed and sat in the middle. I had the clothes hamper thingy on the bed and piles of clothes sorted and semi-folded. I put a couple shirts on hangars and walked into the closet to hang them, and when I cam out a class F1 hurricane had been through. No, not hurricane Hugo...Hurricane Lexie! There was a nice pile of clothes on the floor and Lexie's two stuffed Wockies (cat-like neopet animals) were playing with one of Mommy's green socks. In fact, they appeared to be playing tug-o-war, with a little help from Lexie. We had some more fun folding laundry, she had a bath, and then I got to invent my version of karate dance time. Lexie lay on her back in the middle of the bed and I throw a dark green sheet over her and then shake the end of the blanket, like you would shake out a carpet over the railing, causing the sheet to undulate over her, like green waves. She just loves it. I'm thinking I probably would too. At some point she springs up and grabs the wave of sheet and continues to laugh. All this with our 80's music CD blaring in the background, "Video killed the radio star." At the end of the evening, she wanted to watch more Teletubbies. So after Dad turned in, we sat up, still nap-less and watched "LOOK". I still have the theme song stuck in my head. I kept falling asleep, and as soon as she would notice my eyes closed, she would leap onto my stomach and Heimlich me back to attention. Finally she gave in and let me go to bed, and she crawled in next to us a little later. I sure am glad she doesn't pull marathon nights like that very often.
Hey, does anyone know if I'm using semi-colons appropriately?
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, pools and water, I get tomorrow off and my dental appointment over with, Lexie's laugh, Mom's blog comments even if she's too shy to actually attach them to my blog, and everything in the world that is light and fluffy.
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