Friday, March 04, 2005

You make me feel like dancing...I wanna dance the night away.

Okily Dokily neighbor. File this one under stranger than fiction. Conversation started with today being 030405...345. neato. Then Carrie mentions that she Sulu's autograph at a Trek convention on 1701, and I used to have a phone number 649-1701. Well anyway, the resulting questions and research turned up this little gem. Here is a farewell quote from Stmody, one of the many whiz kids of the Heaven's Gate mass suicide. Enjoy:

"We watch a lot of Star Trek, a lot of Star Wars, it's just like going on a holodeck...we've been on a holodeck, we've been in an astronaut training program...we figured out a day equals one thousand years...played it out's roughly thirty minutes...we've been training on a holodeck for thirty minutes, now it's time to stop and put into practice what we've we take off the virtual reality helmet, we take off the vehicle that we've used for this task. We just set it aside, go back out of the holodeck to reality to be with the other members in the craft, in the heavens."


Word of the day(s): BUGABOO I decided to walk over to Urling's for the lunch special. Earlier this morning the office Admin and the business office manager were discussing taking pictures of a couple guys that park themselves on a bus stop bench across the street on 43rd ave. Something about daily lewd comments and intoxication. So, on my journey to Urling's I was a tad bit more observant than usual. Actually, I so rarely leave the office during the day, so more observant than what? I don't know, but anyway...I spotted the fellows upon the bench and then some. I'd say about half the people I saw were dressed in dark clothing, un-shaven, carrying enough stuff in bags or other containers to leave an impression of homelessness. Usually in twos, but the occasional loner. None of them looked unhappy, some were very happy looking in fact. Our building has a security guard that walks the premise inside and out. He thinks the bench fellows are squatting in a vacant apartment in the building on 43rd and Broadway. This place has been broken into more than once. The last one I remember was the pharmacy, took a bottle of Vicodin. One time the security caught a guy hiding in the radiology bathroom after close, waiting for everyone to leave. Every so often when I'm on my way in at 6:30am I see the odd happening. I park next door in the lot people use as a thoroughfare between Sandy and the Max station. Also between the Towers (government subsidized housing) and the Chevron station. I have been approached in my car and asked for money to buy a daughter her feminine hygiene products. No daughter in sight. I have seen many people urinating, sometimes in the middle of the day, both on and off the property. There is a couple who occasionally use the side entrance walkway as their temporary lodging. Came across her squatting for her morning constitutional one morning last winter. There have been many stolen cars dumped in the side lot. Last year, the police busted a ring of car thieves who were pillaging a car in the alley next to the bench on 43rd. It was suspected that one previous security guard had an "arrangement" with the local hookers. Odd resume entry. "Security guard/pimp; Safely and securely manage property while conducting 'business as usual' and keeping the ladies safe." That guard is no longer here. Another guard caught a man an women getting intimate in our dumpster. There was another incident reported with a naked person standing on the hood of a car in the lot, as well as countless other activities I'm sure I haven't heard of. Interesting place to work. Lexie log: I got a voicemail at work this morning was simply Lexie saying "purple". -- Recently she discovered how to make a fist and knock on a door. This is a great pairing with another of her older discoveries. She yells, "Coming!" whenever anyone knock on our front door. She also just learned how to slam doors. Lots of door activity at our house. Yesterday when I came home from work and walked in the front door, Lexie ran out of her room to greet me. She stopped in front of me, smiled and squinted her eyes in her trademark smirk face, then turned tail and ran into her room. I pursued down the hall and had just enough time to see her turn and slam her bedroom door on me with a big smile on her face and breaking into a giggle. What's a mom to do, so I knocked on her door. After a short pause I hear, "Coming!" and the door flies open to my little greeter daughter. Man, is she fun. About an hour or two after I picked my word of the day, my business office manager used it in a sentence. Kind of weird.

It's time again for the annual March of dimes baby photo contest and I can't decide what picture of Lexie to submit. This ill be the third year she's been entered.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, R.V.'s, E-bills, Stevie Wonder, Steve Martin, computers, 24 hour fitness, cats, deodorant on a towlette in a packet like the KFC moist wipes stuck in my purse zipper pocket in case of emergency caused by rushed forgetfulness, blue cheese dressing, and internet research.

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