Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Tiny Bubbles...

Sing it Mr. Ho! I really haven't heard the song in so long, I can't remember how it sounds. Well, after a hectic morning, that I probably over dramatized, the day seems to be calming down. It seems to me that I have been ranting or b-tching about something constantly. If I sat close to myself I'd want me to shut my yapper. So, well now, the bridge has been built, and I have gotten over it.

My organizational skills required tweaking today, and I actually had to create a 'to do' list to keep from freaking out over what I was going to tackle today. Then I had an issue with an insurance company supervisor over their misinterpretation of HIPAA guidelines. Thankfully, just before lunch, the provider relations rep, who also tried to say I was wrong, apologized and corrected herself. What's my matter? Apparently I've crossed over the bridge I built and crawled back into my dwelling. Hehe.

Word(s) of the day: SCRUMPTIOUS

Lexie log: Yesterday Lexie had a total fit at Costco for no apparent reason. Grammy had to take her and distract her by running her all over the place. I guess she thought it was a great big play ground. Grammy got her Easter present of a battery operated bubble blower. It's pretty powerful too. Takes eight dubble A's. I almost can't believe the way I just spelt double. In fact, I knew it was wrong, but I left it just because it's so strange. I even couldn't remember the correct way and had to ask TT and Carrie. Dubble A's for the Bubbles. I do believe the cheese has done slid off my cracker! The bubble blower (has the word 'Gazillion' and 'Typhoon' in the title) was a huge hit with Lexie. We had tons of fun, even in the dark, out on the back deck last night. It didn't look like many of the pictures came out very good though. We'll have to wait for a warm sunny day in the yard for that. -- Grammy and I got two more digital disks catalogued for, so only ten left, and then the copying begins. It is so hard to skip through them in fast motion to catalogue. I can't wait to watch them. Already it made me nostalgic. She is such a funny, beautiful, charming baby!

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, Grammy and Grampa's love and generosity, Lexie's bond with Grammy, video and pictures, our cats, bubbles, and left over Costco chicken enchiladas.

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